Jesus' Coming Back

Exclusive – Sec. Ryan Zinke Dismisses Departure Rumors as ‘Laughable’

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called rumors he would depart for a position at Fox News as “laughable” on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM Patriot with host Amanda House.

“The allegations against me are outrageous, they’re false. Everyone knows they’re false,” Zinke told the audience. “I love my job.”

“These attacks on both me and my family by the way. My wife has been threatened. My kids have been threatened. Our property has been trespassed upon. This is how angry the resistance movement is,” said Zinke.


“It’s a rumor. This is just what they spread,” he said. “I enjoy the fight. I’m a former Navy Seal as you know. I’ve been in a lot of firefights. I don’t mind getting shot at.”

He said he’s standing by three principles, “the fight for freedom never ends, two, it is better to charge up the hill under fire than cower in a foxhole, and lastly, you do right and you fear no one.”

Zinke said the president is draining the swamp and serpents are getting exposed. He said, “rather than talk about distractions, we should talk about what the president has done.”

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook

Amanda House is Breitbart News’ Deputy Political Editor. You can follow her on Twitter at @AmandaLeeHouse and Instagram.

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