Jesus' Coming Back

New ‘Purge’ Film Provides Hundreds Of Jobs For Antifa

DOWNEY, CA—Filming on a fifth film in the Purge franchise has begun in Southern California, putting hundreds of members of the group Antifa to work. The latest sequel is tentatively titled The Purge: The Most Violent One Yet and features scene after scene of people mindlessly murdering fellow human beings with everything from guns and knives to horse bones and bike baskets. 

When production on the film hit a financial snag and the costume budget was completely gutted, producer Keenan DeSelva came up with the idea of creating scenarios that would bait members of Antifa—a self-proclaimed militant and heavily costumed anti-fascist group—to the location where staff could simply film the protesters in their natural environment.

“With camera and lighting already in place, we set up a number of scenarios that were sure to draw a large and violent throng of Antifa,” explained DeSelva. “In one instance, we put a slapdash mannequin of Ben Shapiro on a street corner repeatedly saying “my wife is a doctor,” and the hordes were there in no time ripping it limb from limb. Another time we set up a small group of human decoys dressed as elderly men and women wearing red MAGA caps and walking poodles.

“It was like watching hyenas tear apart a baby antelope,” he muttered, staring off into the distance. “The blood. So… much… blood.”

Once filming was finished, the production team let the members of Antifa know that they had been filmed and were entitled to financial compensation for acting as stunt people on a Hollywood movie. “It was hard to explain anything to them because they just kept chanting stuff at us a whole bunch,” said another member of DeSelva’s team. “The moment we showed them the small amount of paperwork they needed to fill out to receive their paycheck, they scattered like spooked seagulls. I think they thought we were trying to get them to apply for actual jobs or something.”

The Purge: The Most Violent One Yet is set for a 2020 release and will be rated R for graphic violence, strong language, drug use, and extreme levels of obnoxious chanting.

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