Jesus' Coming Back

Pastor Drops Mic After Killer Sermon, Immediately Scolded By Sound Guy

KENNEWICK, WA—Fueled by his own passionate oratory on God’s mercy in salvation, local preacher Buddy Benson punctuated the Sunday-morning message by dropping the microphone, but was immediately scolded by the sound technician, sources at Christ Bible Church confirmed Monday.

Benson reportedly finished the sermon by declaring, “Y’all a bunch of sinners, but Christ is a greater Savior!” before extending his arm and dropping the wireless microphone to accentuate his point.

In an instant, visibly agitated sound technician Vinny Atkinson jumped up on the stage, grabbed the wireless microphone to inspect it for any damage, and then began to berate Pastor Benson for his carelessness.

“Do you have any idea how much these things cost?” Atkinson began. “No, of course you don’t. You just think you’re so cool ‘dropping the mic’ or whatever—did you ever think that loud popping noise could damage our state-of-the-art sound system? Nope, of course you didn’t. You don’t care at all, do you?” the exasperated sound guy said to begin his rant to a bewildered Benson.

Oh, look a microphone! I better drop it—I’m sure it doesn’t cost that much!” he added in a mocking tone.

According to witnesses, the exasperated sound tech continued for a full fifteen minutes before storming off the stage and back to the sound booth “in a huff” as a sheepish Benson apologized to the sound crew and the audience for his behavior.

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