Jesus' Coming Back

Two Pastors Among Seven Killed by Islamist Militants in Eastern Congo

(World Watch Monitor) Two Congolese pastors were among the seven Christians killed in attacks by an Islamist militant group in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo earlier this month.

Six Christians, including Kausa Kaule Yosua and his daughter, 27-year-old Masika, were killed in the 10 and 11 November attacks by members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) on two villages near Beni, in the northeast of the central-African country. They also kidnapped 13 people, adults and children, a local source told World Watch Monitor.

Among those kidnapped was a pastor, Josias Kapanga Katembo from Boyikene village, whose body was later found in the forest, bringing the death toll to seven. …

“I was in my house when they attacked,” a survivor said. “From my window I could hear the attackers discussing that the area where they operate belongs to the Muslims, and not to Christians, and that every Christian found in it is an enemy.”

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