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Netanyahu slams Iran after Rouhani says Israel is a cancerous growth

Netanyahu at the UN

Netanyahu at the UN. (photo credit: CARLO ALLEGRI/REUTERS)


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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls for the international community to sanction Iran after its President Hassan Rouhani said that Israel was a cancerous growth in the Middle East.

“Israel knows very well how to defend itself from the murderous Iranian regime,” Netanyahu said on Saturday night.

“Rouhani’s slander, which calls for the destruction of Israel, proves yet again why the nations of the world need to join in the sanctions against the Iranian terrorist regime which threatens them,” he added.

Netanyahu spoke in response to a speech filled with inflammatory rhetoric that Rouhani delivered against in Tehran against both the United States and Israel.

One of the “most important effects of World War II was the formation of a cancerous tumor [Israel] in the region,” Rouhani said according to English quotes from his speech published by the Iranian Mehr News Agency.

“They deployed a power in the region that completely obeys the West in regional matters,” he said, adding that “they formed the fake Israeli regime and killed and displaced the historical nation of Palestine.”

The US relocation of its embassy to Jerusalem is a statement of increasing “hostility towards the World of Islam,” Rouhani said.


Rouhani called on the Islamic nations to created a joint force against Israel and the United States. “We will win against Zionism and the US if we become united.”

We have a choice to either roll out red carpets for criminals, or to forcefully stand against injustice and remain faithful to our Prophet, our Koran and our Islam,” Rouhani said, in an apparent reference to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states which have close ties to Washington.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are regional rivals and have supported opposing sides in conflicts in Syria and Yemen and different political factions in Iraq and Lebanon.

Rouhani also took issue with the statements by US President Donald Trump, which explained that the need to protect Israel was one of the reasons he was maintaining ties with Saudi Arabia.

“If the United States is honest in saying that they have confidence in some countries in the region, why do they say that the reason for protecting them is Israel’s survival and security?” Rouhani said.

Iran is capable of defending Saudi Arabia, he said.

“We are ready to defend the interests of the Saudi people against terrorism, aggression and the superpowers… and we don’t ask for $450 billion to do it,” Rouhani said, referring to Saudi Arabia’s contracts with the United States.

Washington in May reimposed sanctions on Tehran, after President Donald Trump pulled out of a 2015 international nuclear deal with Iran under which they had been lifted.

“Submitting to the West headed by America would be treason against our religion … and against the future generations of this region,” Rouhani.

Rouhani spoke at the start of the 32nd International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran and his speech was broadcast on state television.

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