Jesus' Coming Back

President Trump: If Mexico doesn’t control the caravan, I’m closing the border

President Trump issued a Thanksgiving Day threat to close the “whole” southern border if Mexico can’t control the migrant caravan, which the president claimed is filled with at least “500 serious criminals.”

“If we find that it’s uncontrollable,” then “we will close entry into the country for period of time until we can get it under control. The whole border,” Trump told reporters at Mar-a-lago Thursday.

Citing unrest from the migrant caravan in Tijuana, Mexico, Trump threatened to halt commerce with Mexico if the southern ally doesn’t clamp down on the caravan.

“We will close the border and that means that Mexico’s not going to be able to sell their cars into the United States until it’s open,” Trump said.

The president, who made the caravan a top midterm issue and even sent 5,900 active duty troops near the border, also claimed that he already blocked parts of border “two days ago” because the situation was “out of control.”

“They called me up. I signed an order,” Trump asserted. —>

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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