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Suicide Bombers Attack Chinese Consulate In Pakistan

Terrorism is a major problem in Pakistan and it has been known to be for a long time. However, this time a terrorist attack recently happened in Pakistan where three suicide bombers attacked the Chinese consulate before being killed:

Three heavily-armed suicide bombers on Friday stormed the Chinese consulate in Pakistan’s largest metropolis Karachi, killing two policemen before being shot dead by security forces which foiled the daring attack in the high-security zone, authorities said.

The consulate, located in the posh Clifton area, came under attack early morning.

Three suspected suicide bombers were killed before they were able to enter the facility as forces successfully foiled the attack, Karachi Police Chief Amir Shaikh said.

Nine hand grenades, Kalashnikov bullets, magazines and explosives were recovered from the possession of the terrorists, Geo news quoted police officials as saying.

“Food supplies and medicines were also recovered from their possession,” officials said.

“We have received two dead bodies of policemen and an injured Chinese security guard who is under treatment,” said Seemi Jamali, the executive director at Jinnah Hospital.

The Sindh government and the Inter-Services Public Relations Wing (ISPR) confirmed that three terrorists were killed in the operation.

The heavily-guarded E-Street neighbourhood, which is considered a red zone, is home to a number of upscale restaurants, diplomatic missions and schools.

The Bilawal House of Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is also in the area. Schools and eateries have been locked down until a clearance operation is concluded.

Residents said they first heard firing and explosions around 9.30 AM (local time).

“The terrorists first attacked the checkpost outside the consulate and detonated a hand grenade in the area,” Shaikh said.

Shaikh said the attackers had parked their vehicle at some distance from the consulate before moving towards it.

Defence analyst and security contractor Ikram Sehgal, whose company’s guards have been posted at the consulate, said that the attackers had first engaged in an exchange of fire with policemen.

After the policemen were killed, he said, the attackers proceeded towards the gate of the consulate. However, the guards were quick to usher civilians with consular business into the building and shut the gates behind them.

Chinese staff at the mission were taken to the main building, Sehgal said.

The paramilitary rangers then reached the spot and engaged the attackers, leaving three of them killed. Weapons and explosive materials were recovered from the attackers, he said.

Sheikh said that all Chinese staffers “are safe and secure”.

The security situation has been brought under control and all areas will soon be cleared, he said, adding that a team of police has been deployed inside the consulate.

The Foreign Office spokesman said that Islamabad is “in touch with the relevant agencies and will react quickly” to ascertain the facts. (source, source)

Terrorism, while it is intrinsically inseparable from Islamic theology, is also taken outside of the context of religion a tool used by governments for policy manipulation. The fact of terrorism’s relationship to Islam makes Islam both a vehicle and a cover for government policies, which is why throughout history Islam has been loved and used by governments in order to exploit the teachings of the religion for their temporary gain but, as history shows, often long-term loss and destruction.

This terrorist attack is curious because Pakistan is one of China’s strongest supporters in the world. While it is not impossible, it is odd that a group of terrorists would target the Chinese embassy, essentially representing an attack on China’s power and relationship with Pakistan.

Who was the group, the “Fidayeen Majeed Brigade”, that sent them? What purpose would such an attack serve, and for what end?

Pakistan is a strong ally of China, and much of this reason is because nobody likes Pakistan. She is hated throughout the entire middle east and southern Asia, and especially by her Iranian and and Indian neighbors, the latter of which China views as a major geopolitical competitor against in Asia and is also the reason why the US is increasing in her support of India. Patkistan’s other regional ally is Saudi Arabia, and it is one out of necessity, because just like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia has no friends in the Middle East.

The US also supports Pakistan and has done so for decades including in many critical operations, such as the infamous Operation Cyclone where the US consolidated, armed, trained, and supplied the Taliban to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. However, as I have noted with Saudi Arabia, the US can remove her troops at any time and it would have no effect on her. Pakistan, however, is landlocked to her neighbors and her history with them- she cannot just “get up” and leave if conditions turn against her favor. She is a population heavy nation at over 150 million people, but India is over a billion men strong, and while Iran has a smaller population thank Pakistan, she still has 70 million people within her and a dislike of Pakistan that is just as strong as that which India has.

Could this terrorist attack have been orchestrated by the US, a nation with a history of sponsoring terrorism in order to send a “message” to the Chinese, just like Boko Haram in Africa, who openly “partners” with the US-funded and trained ISIS terrorists?

It is certainly possible, although more details would be required to confirm this. However, it should not be excluded as a possibility, because it would be rather consistent with recent history.

Whenever one sees these small, odd terrorist groups such as this “Fidayeen Majeed Brigade”, it is always curious to watch to see if not only the engage in more terrorist attacks, but also if they will declare their “allegiance” to another major terrorist group with government ties such as ISIS, as it indicates that they are not genuine “armies” who are “fighting for independence,” but “stay-behind” proxy militias built up to engage in terrorist acts on behalf of the governments from which they receive their funding.

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