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Tipping Point: Israel And The ‘Community Of Nations’

Miri Regev (C) visits Abu Dhabi's Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, October 29, 2018

Miri Regev (C) visits Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, October 29, 2018. (photo credit: Courtesy)


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News of the surprise two-years-in-the-making visit to Israel by the president of Muslim-majority Chad broke on the same day that the Czech head of state announced in Jerusalem the intention to move Prague’s embassy to the holy city. This came on the backdrop of reports that the Jewish state is seeking to establish full diplomatic ties with Mali, Niger and even Sudan. Jerusalem is also purportedly eyeing Bahrain and Oman, the latter of which just reiterated that “the Arab states need to come to terms with the reality that Israel is a fact of life in the region.”

For its entire history, the state of Israel has been widely viewed as a pariah, a status quo many proffered would persist for as long as its conflict with the Palestinians—and perhaps thereafter. According to conventional wisdom, it would languish forever in a sort of diplomatic purgatory with only the Americans in its corner.

Yet, a simple glance at the world map reveals a growing landscape dotted with countries clamoring for Israeli expertise in fields ranging from defense and counter-terrorism to agriculture and medicine. It seems that the Jewish state is on the precipice of a major, over-arching and perhaps redefining diplomatic breakthrough.

After seventy years, Israel may be on the verge of joining the so-called “community of nations.”

To this end, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu revealed Sunday that he would soon travel to other Arab countries; this, after his October trip to Muscat which immediately preceded Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev’s visit to the United Arab Emirates. Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz this month likewise attended a conference in Oman, while Economy Minister Eli Cohen reportedly received an invitation to visit Manama in early 2019 to participate in a high-tech summit organized by the World Bank.

All of this follows Netanyahu’s alleged secret trip to Cairo in May, which came on the heels of his high-profile public meeting last year with Egyptian President Abdel al-Fattah al-Sisi at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Despite Jordanian King Abdullah’s oft-harsh rhetoric, Amman maintains close security and economic ties with Israel and recognizes the important role Jerusalem plays in ensuring continued Hashemite rule Jordan.

The evolution of this Sunni Arab-Jewish state alliance undoubtedly has been accelerated by the emergence of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who was the first Gulf leader to publicly express support for Israel’s right to exist. Notably, Netanyahu has backed the young Saudi ruler amid a firestorm over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, evidencing the importance Jerusalem places on burgeoning ties with Riyadh as well as the advent of a foreign policy based principally on realpolitik.


“It is abundantly clear that Arab and Muslim nations would love to establish bilateral relations,” Dr. Chuck Freilich, a former deputy national security adviser in Israel and currently a Senior Fellow at Harvard’s Belfer Center, explained to The Media Line. “The reasoning is threefold: A common interest in curbing Iran; fatigue with the Palestinian issue; and the knowledge that Israel is the only dynamic and hi-tech economy, especially in the cyber field, in the region.

“Despite this, the cup-half-empty side of the story is that Israel’s international image is at a nadir, as the overall level of delegitimization is increasing. Even in many countries with which Israel has good working relations public opinion is horrible. This is most apparent in Europe and making inroads into the United States.

“To offset the potential severe consequences, Israel will need to change its policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians, as this is the only major substantive issue of disagreement. It is unclear if anything can be done to end the conflict—and people forget the Palestinians previously were offered comprehensive peace proposals—but Jerusalem could halt settlement activity and publicly reiterate support for the two-state solution. This might not fully solve the problem but it would help.”

While the stalemated peace process continues to cause friction with Western European countries, Netanyahu nevertheless has over the past six months received German Chancellor Angela Merkel and was welcomed in both London and Paris. Moreover, to counter what the premier has described as the European Union’s “hostile” attitude towards the Jewish state, efforts have been made to strengthen ties with lesser powers on the continent.

For example, Netanyahu recently was the first-ever foreign leader to partake in a summit of the Craiova Forum, consisting of Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Greece. In August, he met in Vilnius with the heads of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Before that the prime minister attended a meeting of the Visegrad Group, made up of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Over the summer, Netanyahu hosted Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

A further examination of the West shows relations with the United States—which along with Israel’s technological and military prowess form the bedrock of its global standing—have never been better than under President Donald Trump; whereas the strong ties greatly advanced and promoted by former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper continue to thrive. In Australia, there is increasing chatter about relocating Canberra’s mission to Jerusalem.

Moving forward, Netanyahu is expected to travel to Brazil for the inauguration of president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who vowed to make the Jewish state the destination of his first trip abroad. Last year, the premier became the first sitting Israeli leader to visit Latin America, making stops in Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia and Mexico. Israel’s ties to Honduras and Guatemala also appear to be at all-time high levels.

Concurrently, Israel has focused on deepening its connection to many states in Africa, to which Netanyahu has traveled three times in the past two years. Ghana’s foreign minister recently announced that her government is assisting Jerusalem in its bid to gain observer status at the African Union, a potentiality publicly backed by Kenya and Ethiopia. Representatives from Angola, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, South Sudan, Rwanda and Zambia reportedly attended the opening in May of the American Embassy in Jerusalem. Ties have been re-established with the Republic of Guinea and Tanzania.

“Netanyahu during the past half-decade has made an effort to reach out to governments that in the past have not been approached,” Dr. Ofer Israeli, a Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy & Strategy at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy of the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzilya, conveyed to The Media Line. “These are smaller countries in the international arena but when it comes to the United Nations every vote is equal. So Israel has tried to make as many ‘friends’ as possible.

“This policy is partially the product of ‘liberal’ states like Britain, France and Germany not supporting Israel because of the Palestinian issue. Jerusalem has no other option but to look elsewhere, including to those less democratic in Eastern Europe, Africa and the Gulf. Israel also is trying to create ties with nations such as Brazil, where the leadership [has shifted to the right]. Another main objective is to target whoever might move their embassy to Jerusalem.”

This more-the-merrier attitude has not inhibited Israel from attracting the attention of traditional and emerging powers including Russia, as evidenced by ongoing military coordination in Syria despite the recent crisis over the accidental downing of a Russian reconnaissance plane. Meanwhile, bilateral relations are budding with China, whose most influential vice premier last month spent four days in Israel. The bond between Netanyahu and his Indian counterpart Narenda Modi is well-documented.

Overall, this expanding network of government-government relationships is reshaping Israel’s geopolitical standing, albeit this success has not fully extended to the level of populations. While a concern that needs to be addressed, a country that has what to offer will invariably be courted, respected, and, by extension, accepted. Israel has become a model for this type of modern diplomacy, which has opened up to it potentialities once thought unimaginable.

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