Jesus' Coming Back

Turkey Issues Re-Entry Ban on Western Evangelist David Byle

(International Christian Concern) International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on November 20, American-Canadian evangelist David Byle was denied re-entry into Turkey.

Byle was previously arrested and detained on October 13, the day after American pastor Andrew Brunson was released from prison. Following his detainment, Byle was informed that he had 15 days to leave the country. He was told that a re-entry ban would not be issued, and his family remained in Turkey.

Last week, Byle returned to Istanbul, explaining, “I flew from Stuttgart to Istanbul, hoping and praying I’d be allowed into the country. At the passport control, the policeman checked my documents, put his entry stamp on a page in my passport and slowly pressed down on it, with his eyes fixed to the computer screen in front of him.”

He continued, “The entry stamp was put in my passport, but his eyes didn’t leave the screen, and a frustrated look spread over his face. He picked up the phone, and shortly thereafter another policeman arrived to take me to their office. I overheard them saying, ‘We need to cancel this entry stamp; there’s an entry ban on the guy!’”

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