Jesus' Coming Back

World Vision Decorates New York City with Prayer and Hope Tree, Sadie Robertson Calls it “Really Special”

World Vision Decorates New York City with Prayer and Hope Tree, Sadie Robertson Calls it “Really Special”

On index cards tied up with string, dozens of prayers hang inside Bryant Park’s winter village. 

The interactive Give-back gift pop-up shop belonging to Christian humanitarian organization World Vision, added a tree this year where people could hang prayers and hopes on the branches instead of ornaments. 

According to their website, the Give-back gift shop works to provide needs such as food, income, access to fresh water, school supplies, and much more to people living in developing countries. 

For the past two years World Vision has opened a pop-up Give-back Gift shop in New York City to teach people about the difference one person and one gift can make in the lives of many. This year the shop was open form November 25-27 and it featured a large Christmas tree where people could express their prayers and hopes to God.

According to The Christian Post, one card read, “I pray that hatred, intolerance & bigotry will stop. That all creatures of this planet will have enough to eat.”

Another said, “Lord, please bless my family, friends, our city and our world. Help us to live for you and let our light shine.”

A&E’s Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson, who works with World Vision, went out to the pop-up shop which she called “really special.”

Robertson told The Christian Post that she loved the concept of the prayer and hope tree because it provided kids with a powerful visual aid. She said, “I love analogies. I love visuals and so this is a great visual to tell kids, ‘what do you hope for for kids around the world?’ and bring this hope into this tree and show that when you hope for something it lights up this tree.”

“It’s a great analogy for kids to see when you start to hope for people around the world it lights up the world …this is just a great example of the holiday season, … this is what we really want kids to start doing, to keep praying, keep writing letters,” she added.

Though the pop-up shop in New York has officially closed, gifts can still be given on the World Vision website. Click here to give a gift. 

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Terry Wyatt/Stringer

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