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Toobin: Today Is the First Time I Thought ‘Trump Might Not Finish His Term’

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” CNN Senior Legal Analyst and New Yorker Staff Writer Jeffrey Toobin stated that “today’s the first day I actually thought Donald Trump might not finish his term in office.”

Toobin said, “You know, today’s the first day I actually thought Donald Trump might not finish his term in office. I mean, I think this thing is enormous. And the whole week — think about what the position is of Donald Trump and the Trump camp about all these things. His position is, for six months, Michael Cohen never discussed with him that he was negotiating for a Moscow Trump Tower. It’s preposterous. … Second, he says that Roger Stone never discussed with him that he was negotiating with WikiLeaks and talking about WikiLeaks, even though both Donald Trump and Roger Stone were obsessed with WikiLeaks, but they spoke repeatedly and never discussed it. Third, Don Jr. never discussed with his father the plans for the Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016.”

He added, “[I]t’s certainly not now, but there may be a point where it’s too much.”

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