Jesus' Coming Back

Tijuana Closes Caravan Shelter, Moves Migrants Further From Border

For some time now, the advance guard of the caravan has been sheltered in the Tijuana sports complex, where officials have been providing them with food and basic medical attention as best they can. That came to an end this weekend. While officials in Tijuana had said that they didn’t plan to forcibly move anyone, they are now shipping the migrants to a concert venue ten miles further from the border. Apparently, the conditions inside the stadium had become too grim to bear. (Washington Times)

The city government of Tijuana announced Saturday that it has closed down a migrant shelter at a sports complex close to the U.S. border that once held about 6,000 Central Americans who hope to get into the U.S.

Officials said all the migrants were being moved to a former concert venue much farther from the border. The city said in a statement the sports complex shelter was closed because of “bad sanitary conditions.”

Experts had expressed concerns about unsanitary conditions that had developed at the partly flooded sports complex, where the migrants had been packed into a space adequate for half their numbers. Mud, lice infestations and respiratory infections were rampant.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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