Jesus' Coming Back

In God We Trust’ Makes a Return to Schools, Public Buildings One State at a Time

In God We Trust’ Makes a Return to Schools, Public Buildings One State at a Time

Laws were passed earlier in 2018 that required or allowed schools, as well as other public buildings, to openly display “In God We Trust.” Florida is just one of the states in which these laws were passed. 

An article from CBN News reports that the same law was also passed for Arizona, which allowed their schools to display the state’s motto – “God Enriches” – in English, which can be seen in Latin on the Grand Canyon state seal. 

At this time, even more state legislatures are seeking to represent the presence of the Lord on their schools and public buildings. 

A few state lawmakers are even trying to permit or call for the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools and in other public places. 

In November, voters in Alabama passed an initiative allowing the Ten Commandments to be displayed on state property. Those in support of the initiative would like for it to become law and, if challenged, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court would give it the seal of approval. 

Back in 2017, Arkansas passed a law that was much like the one passed in Florida. Jim Dotson, Arkansas state Rep., sponsored the measure that called for the posting of “In God We Trust” in each and every school classroom. Following this, he has continued to help other lawmakers create laws that are similar in purpose.  

“Our history and our heritage is incredibly important, making sure that we as a nation remember our roots, remember where we came from,” Dotson informed The Washington Post. “America is an exceptional nation. It’s the greatest nation in the history of this planet. Obviously, that success is attributed not just to individuals but probably some higher power than ourselves.”

Florida state Rep. Kimberly Daniels (D-Jacksonville), who sponsored the bill to get “In God We Trust” in all public schools in The Sunshine State, spoke with CBN News in February, saying, “I believe with all the negativity going on, our children need to know the foundation of what this country is all about and what it was founded on.”

“God is positive; I put that forth like that because people want to make God a negative thing; God is good,” Daniels explained. “And God is the Creator; He’s the Initiator; He’s the Alpha; He’s the Omega, and our children need to see that because the eyes are the gateway to the soul.”

“And so they need to see that symbol, and it needs to be imprinted in their minds and in their hearts what it meant to the people who came to this country for religious liberty,” she mentioned. 

One particularly powerful supporter of the passing of the bill is 17-year-old Mei-Link Ho-Shing, a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting spree that occurred earlier this year. 

She told The Post, “It’s powerful because it reassures people of faith.”

Photo courtesy: Pixabay/Creative/Commons

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