Study: Facts Communicated In Meme Format Much More Likely To Be True
U.S.—A new study released Tuesday confirmed that information found in memes is much more likely to be true.
Facts communicated in an easy-to-digest meme, preferably with a funny pop culture reference, were found to be up to 1,000% more true than facts communicated via a boring study or official-looking report.
“While we used to believe that facts were facts, we now know that a completely false statement can instantly become a whole lot more true if it’s put into a dank meme,” said Dr. Michael Wallace of Harvard University. “Truthfulness is completely dependent on how savage the meme is. If you put some info on a template of Steven Crowder sitting at a ‘Change My Mind’ booth, it’s probably universally true, for instance.”
According to the study, references to Star Wars or Spongebob Squarepants can lend additional truthfulness to your claims. “Facts packed into a good old-fashioned meme are definitely true, of course,” Wallace continued, “but they’re definitely DEFINITELY true if you use a Star Wars quote to make your point.”
“And if you use a meme from the prequels? Well, now we’re talking about the ultimate absolute truth in the universe,” he added.
At publishing time, the study had been amended to show that information on a satire site is “the most true of all.”
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