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Minnesota Psychology and Sexuality Studies Professor Says God Lacked Mary’s ‘Consent’

Minnesota Psychology and Sexuality Studies Professor Says God Lacked Mary’s ‘Consent’

A Twitter user recently attempted to connect the “#MeToo” movement to the story of the virgin birth that takes place in the New Testament. 

Eric Sprankle, who mentions that he is an associate professor of clinical psychology and sexuality studies from Minnesota, shares his interests in “cats” and “Poe” on his Twitter profile. 

Sprankle claimed the “virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen.”

“There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario,” he stated.

He concluded the tweet by writing “Happy holidays.”

An article from WND reports that Sprankle refused to abandon the idea as numerous Twitter users responded by indicating that the Bible, in Luke, “states clearly that the angel communicated God’s plan for Mary and in verse 38 she agreed. Whether you believe or disbelieve, it helps if you actually read the text.”

“The biblical god regularly punished disobedience. The power difference (deity vs mortal) and the potential for violence for saying ‘no’ negates her ‘yes.’ To put someone in this position is an unethical abuse of power at best and grossly predatory at worst,” he noted.

Twitchy, a popular site that combines Twitter with the news, hosted a comment that read: “One thing we see a lot of on Twitter is trolling of Christians; plenty are willing to jump into the comments to make fun of their ‘invisible friend’ and pass judgment on just how Christian they really are (after all, Jesus certainly was no Republican).”

It continued, “But there’s really not much to say about this tweet from associate professor Eric Sprankle, aside from the fact that Christians have heard it plent of times before, and it’s not that clever and certainly not ‘edgy.’ No, the best part is Sprankle’s Twitter bio.”

The bio in question lists Sprankle’s self-described “sex workers’ rights, cats, secularism, Poe, Manson, Ave Santanas.”

Senzuran indicated that it was, “The entire modern left in one bio.”

One contributor who chose to keep her identity private, simply posting under “I’m a woman, and I’m mad as hell,” said: “Aaaaaand THERE it is. Your annual ‘The Christ Child is a rape baby’ analogy from Woke Blue Check Twitter.”

Posidonius responded, “The intellectual equivalent of running into a room, screaming gibberish, and running out of it before anyone rebuts it.”

“Even though Mary did give her consent, she really had no choice as God is all powerful and fond of punishment, so it wasn’t really consent,” commented Twitchy.

Benjamin Sanchez wrote: “A psych degree does not equal Biblical competency. First, Mary consented to becoming the mother of Jesus. Second, no early Christian believed the Holy Spirit had physical relations with Mary. The emphasis is Jesus, the incarnation of the eternal Son of God, has only one Father.”

Joseph Ronaldson described the nature of the hostile attack on Christianity: “The fruit of all your education: getting it wrong & being insulting about it.”

“So courageous. Now do Mohammed,” encouraged another commenter. 

Bryan Holt chimed in, “I’m always happy to get a lesson in theology and biblical studies from a secularist.”

Photo courtesy: Ben White/Unsplash

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