Jesus' Coming Back

Former Major League Baseball GM Makes it His Life’s Work to Combat Human Trafficking

Former Major League Baseball GM Makes it His Life’s Work to Combat Human Trafficking

Former general manager and vice president of the LA Dodgers, Kevin Malone, has made it his life’s work to combat human trafficking. 

Malone, who is now the president and co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, is viewed as a modern abolitionist, according to his bio on the USIAHT website.

Malone works to fight human trafficking in the name of Christ.

“We are a nonprofit, faith-based organization anointed by God to fight against human trafficking in America with truth and integrity, showing the love of Jesus Christ to all involved,” the organization writes on their website.

In an interview with The Christian Post, Malone commented on his journey to fight against human trafficking saying, “I just believe God kind of called me. If you looked up and did some research on me, people think I like to fight.”

Malone continued noting that God wanted him to use his experience fighting for wins in the major leagues to fight for wins for human trafficking victims and prevention.

“God said, ‘I want you to take all your experiences, all your talents, all your skills and your passion for Me and I want you to go and fight for kids and protect kids and make families and kids aware of the evils that are out there,'” the former MLB General Manager said.

This is when Malone connected with friend and Pastor Francis Chan. CBN News reports that Malone was attending Chan’s former church when the two decided to join forces to combat human trafficking. 

Malone said, “God had already been stirring our hearts and Francis had already started talking a little bit, speaking on sex trafficking.”

He continued, “God was pulling on my heartstrings too in different ways because I was involved with the L.A. Dream Center and doing ministry in Los Angeles. I was coming across this human trafficking and it seemed to be growing because I was hearing more about it.”

“God was calling both of us to do what we could do in our spheres of influence,” he added.

Soon after teaming up, Malone and Chan embarked on a week-long mission trip to Thailand where they visited a safe house for trafficking victims.

“In this safe home, we were introduced to 5, 6, 7 and 8-year-old boys and girls who had been sold as sex slaves,” Malone recalled. “You got to be careful when you pray to God to ‘break my heart for what breaks yours.’ I saw kids that had been sold as sex slaves, little kids.”

After his visit to Thailand in 2009, Malone realized the vastness of human-trafficking across the world and in the United States, so he got started on doing whatever he could to fight against it. Today, Malone and his USIAHT help to set up and pay for safe homes for trafficked girls throughout the U.S. The USIAHT also just opened their first safe home for trafficked boys in Florida.

Photo courtesy: Pixabay/Public Domain

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