Jesus' Coming Back

Time To Get Tough on Deportations

Bench gullible judges

What’s the end game for all the pampered, trust-funded judges who are refusing to deport or lock up even the most bloodthirsty illegal immigrants, sometimes allegedly even helping them escape from courthouses in order to continue their crime waves against American citizens?

Do these judges think that freeing an illegal to murder a Hispanic teenager will somehow earn them a Profiles in Courage Award from the Kennedys next spring?

Do they believe that if they refuse to allow the deportation of these machete-wielding, gangbanging, welfare-leeching fiends from the Third World, that they and their families won’t be killed by these savages when they’re driving drunk or selling fentanyl?

Do these deranged judges think that they and their offspring will somehow avoid being exposed to all the previously eradicated infectious diseases that these handout-seeking migrants are reintroducing to what was once a healthy First World nation?

Consider the case of “Perverso,” one Henri Salvador Gutierrez, an illegal MS-13 gangbanger from El Salvador.

Perverso is now one of six gangbangers charged with the savage murder last summer in Lynn of a 17-year-old. He was recorded bragging in jail how he and his fellow illegal-immigrant welfare recipients killed the kid – “dicing him as if he were a cow.”

Read the rest from Howie Carr HERE.

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