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Was It Not Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, But Trump’s Son-In-Law Jared Kushner Who Instigated The Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi?

Relations between Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been gravely strained due to the murder of Turkish citizen Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents at the order of Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. During this crisis, Prince Salman has sought counsel from none other than his long-time adviser, President Trump’s son-in-law and real estate scammer Jared Kushner:

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been a promoter of Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman since the early days of the administration and recently offered the prince advice on how to handle the outrage over the slaying of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Kushner, 37, who serves as Trump’s adviser on the Middle East, has kept up informal conversations with the prince, 33, since early 2017, the Times reported, citing unnamed sources. Three former senior officials told the paper that the politically inexperienced Kushner’s private chats with Mohammed could have made him “susceptible to Saudi manipulation.”

Khashoggi was killed on Oct. 2 by Saudi agents at the country’s consulate in Istanbul. Although the administration has played down reported evidence linking the slaying to the prince and cautioned lawmakers not to take action against Saudi Arabia in response to the killing, senators say U.S. intelligence reports clearly implicate the crown prince.

“I think he’s complicit to the highest level possible,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., after a CIA briefing last week on Khashoggi’s death, which included the use of a bone saw. “There’s not a smoking gun. There’s a smoking saw.”

After the killing, Kushner “became the prince’s most important defender inside the White House,” the Times reported.

The White House acknowledged one call after the slaying. On Oct. 10, Kushner and national security adviser John Bolton spoke with the prince and encouraged the Saudis to be “transparent in the investigation process,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

But the Times reported that Kushner’s informal talks with Mohammed continued. Citing an unnamed Saudi source, the paper said, “Kushner has offered the crown prince advice about how to weather the storm, urging him to resolve his conflicts around the region and avoid further embarrassments.”

In October, CNN reported that Kushner’s private chats with the prince were causing concern among national security officials who “worried off-the-books conversations with the young prince could lead to misunderstandings or worse.”

CNN also reported that Kushner and Mohammed often sent each other texts via WhatsApp.

The Times reported Kushner’s relationship with Mohammed began after aides to the prince, often referred to by his initials MBS, met with Kushner in November 2016, just after Trump won the election. According to a slideshow the Saudi officials put together to report on the meeting, “Kushner made clear his lack of familiarity with the history of Saudi-American relations” and he “expressed his satisfaction with what was explained about the Saudi role in fighting terrorism.”

The delegation presented ideas they thought would appeal to Trump, according to the slideshow obtained by the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar and translated by the Times. Those proposals included intelligence sharing, a joint center to combat extremist ideology, the establishment of an “Arab NATO,” and increased Saudi spending on U.S. defense contracts and investment in the U.S.

The White House did not immediately respond to USA TODAY’s request for comment on the Times’ story.

“Jared has always meticulously followed protocols and guidelines regarding the relationship with MBS and all of the other foreign officials with whom he interacts,” a White House spokesperson told the Times in a statement.

White House officials told the Times that there was nothing unusual about Kushner’s ties with the prince. They said he has relationships with many important figures in the Middle East and that representatives of previous administrations were also closely tied to Saudi government officials. (source, source)

In November 2018, I suggested that the Khashoggi murder was part of a Saudi internal strategy organized by Prince Salman’s uncle, Ahmad bin Abdulaziz to realize the dual aim of securing future American protection against potential Turkish incursions while at the same time solving an internal family dispute between the older and younger generations. In the view of the Saudis, they knew a diplomatic crisis that could lead to a war with Turkey was coming, and if they could instigate that crisis early, in this case through murdering the scoundrel Khashoggi, they could “resolve” it quickly by doubling back using American “assistance” as their safety net, and to bring a deeper US presence into Saudi Arabia so to create more economic incentives for the Americans to continue their support of the royal family. The murder, which was committed by MbS, would likely force MbS’s abdication from the Saudi throne and place Ahmad bin Abdulaziz or another member of the “old guard” in the House of Saud back into power.

The fact that Jared Kushner and MbS have been in constant communications with each other since the inception of Trump’s presidency speaks to more than just somebody who was “susceptible to Saudi manipulation.” Given the long history of US-Saudi relations and how the Saudis are dependent on the US for their existence, could it be possible that it was not Jared, but MbS who was manipulated by Jared? That is to say, was Jared playing a role in a larger US-Saudi internal coup and actually served as the man whose role it was to influence MbS to murder Khashoggi in order that the faction represented by Abdulaziz could return to power for the benefit of US industrialists in the oil and arms sectors and, from the US point of view, given that she build with Germany the entire Turkish military into what it is today as a part of Operation Gladio, to send a message to Erdogan and Turkey and while Turkey may be powerful, she is still the pawn of the US and if she “gets out of line,” she could end up just like Khashoggi?

It is a possibility that should not be ruled out because such things are common throughout history. It is a known fact that MbS was a comparatively “inexperienced” ruler in Saudi Arabia, and that while he seems to have good intentions, he actions are viewed by his family members as a threat to the long-term survival and rule of the Hous of Saud. Since it would be too difficult to murder him without attracting attention or creating a potentially unstable political climate, the next best option would be to convince him to do something rash that could be used as a justification to get him off the throne and secure future protection against Turkey as well as reinforce already existing economic ties. The biggest loser after Khashoggi, as he lost his life, would be MbS, since he would be forced to hold the “hot potato” before the world even though he, if the above is true, was the one told to hold it.

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