Jesus' Coming Back

Eight-Year-Old Not Permitted to Tell Classmates About Biblical Account of Daniel in Show-and-Tell

Photo Credit: John Harris Pe/

ARLINGTON, Va. — A father in Virginia says that his son was stopped from speaking last week as he took his Bible to school for show-and-tell to share with his classmates about what he had been reading in the book of Daniel.

In the article, “Preferred Gender Pronouns Required in Virginia’s Public Schools. The Bible? Not Allowed,” published by PJ Media on Tuesday, commentator John Ellis outlined that his eight-year-old took his Bible to school last week for the show-and-tell segment, unbenounced to him. He learned of the situation later.

“The teacher stopped me from speaking, and went on to the next person. I didn’t get to tell them about Daniel,” his son advised. Ellis said that his son was both disappointed and confused as to why he wasn’t allowed to proceed.

“You see, my son had been reading the book of Daniel and wanted to tell his friends about it. It was important to him,” he explained. “What he didn’t realize is that the Bible, no matter how important to his identity, is verboten in the brave new world of progressive tolerance.”

Ellis said that his son learned the hard way that “[t]he Bible and those who take God’s Word seriously are not allowed a platform in leftist America.” He contrasted the situation with the recent firing of West Point High School teacher Peter Vlaming, who was terminated last week by a unanimous vote of the school board after he refused repeated requests that he refer to a female student who identifies as a boy with masculine pronouns.

Vlaming had said that the request violated his Christian convictions, and felt like “a specific worldview is being imposed upon me.”

“If my son had been allowed to proceed, no other kid in that classroom would have been under any obligation to listen to or care about what was being said about the Bible. They most definitely wouldn’t have been under any compulsion to agree with the Bible or convert,” Ellis wrote.

“On the other hand, if a girl believes that she is a boy, it’s not enough to allow her to believe what she wants; others are required to accept and promote her belief, even if it violates their own faith identity,” he lamented.

Ellis said that he believes the way his son was treated, versus the way that the “transgender” student was treated, is “a harbinger of things to come.”

“Make no mistake: the left has zero interest in allowing people to express themselves. Protecting important aspects of a person’s identity is not universal. That protection only extends to the ideology that the left wants to promote. Anyone who gets in their way will be silenced, like my son, or have their livelihood ripped away, like Peter Vlaming,” he wrote.

Read the article in full here.

As previously reported, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and vice-president of the Bible Society of Philadelphia, once said, “The only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government is the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible.”

He also wrote in a letter to John Adams in 1807, “By renouncing the Bible, philosophers swing from their moorings upon all moral subjects. Our Saviour in speaking of it calls it ‘Truth,’ in the abstract. It is the only correct map of the human heart that ever has been published. It contains a faithful representation of all its follies, vices & crimes. All systems of religion, morals, and government not founded upon it, must perish, and how consoling the thought!—It will not only survive the wreck of those systems, but the world itself. ‘The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.’”

(Read here from the National Archives.)

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