Jesus' Coming Back

IDF identifies soldiers killed: Yuval Mor Yosef, 20, and Yosef Cohen, 19

Corporal Yosef Cohen (L) and Sergeant Yuval Mor Yosef (R)

Corporal Yosef Cohen (L) and Sergeant Yuval Mor Yosef (R), identified by the IDF as the soldiers killed in a shooting attack on December 13th, 2018. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)


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The IDF Spokesperson’s Office identified the fallen soldiers from the Kfir Brigade as 20 year-old Sergeant Yuval Mor Yosef, a combat soldier in the Kfir Brigade from Ashkelon, and 19 year-old Corporal Yosef Cohen from Beit Shemesh.

Sergeant Yuval Mor Yosef was posthumously raised in rank to staff-sergeant. Cohen was posthumously raised in rank to sergeant.

A notice was given to their families.

The IDF joins in the sorrow of the families and will continue to accompany them, the announcement said.

Yosef and Cohen were killed in a devastating terrorist attack on Thursday morning and two others were seriously wounded in the attack in Givat Asaf in the West Bank, just north of Jerusalem. 

The shots were fired by a Palestinian who got out of his car and started shooting. He then fled the scene and his car was located by security forces near Ramallah. The IDF is still in pursuit of the suspect.

Givat Asaf, the site of the attack, is a main junction two kilometers south of the West Bank settlement of Ofra, scene of a similar drive-by shooting on Sunday, in which seven people were wounded

The two wounded – a male and female soldier – were evacuated to Jerusalem’s Shaarei Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah University Hospital.

The IDF imposed a closure on the Palestinian city of Ramallah after the attack and sent reinforcements to the area, IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis said in a phone call with reporters.

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