Jesus' Coming Back

Sarah Sanders: ‘Democrats Have to Decide if They Love Our Country More Than They Hate This President’

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in order to avoid a government shutdown Democrats had to decide “if they love our country more than they hate this president.”

Sanders said, “We will see what happens. The president is committed to making sure that one way or the other, whether it is through Congress or other measures we protect our borders. He is looking at a number of different ways in order to do that. Frankly, it’s just sad the Democrats have changed their positions so much. If you look, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, all of these individuals in the past have supported border security. In fact, Chuck Schumer even said in a public statement that illegal immigration is wrong.”

She continued, “But now that this president is championing the fight and trying to do what is right, you Democrats that simply won’t join in that effort. They voted for it in they voted for the wall and they have changed their minds. That is pretty clear.”

She added, “Democrats have to decide if they love our country more than they hate this president and so far we have seen no indication that they are willing to do that.”

(h/t Grabien)

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