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UK Woman Goes To Mexico For Vacation And Has To Go To Hospital, She “Dies” In The Hospital And When Her Body Is Shipped Home, Her Organs And Eyes Are Missing

While most of the people murdered for their organs by the cartels are poor people from Mexico or other parts of Central America, usually migrants who are attempting to reach the US border, it is not always the case. Such was one with a UK tourist who went on “holiday” to Mexico, had to go to the hospital, “died” while she was there, and then when her body returned home she was found with her organs and even her eyes removed:

A dead British tourist’s body was returned to her family with no eyes, heart or brain after she died in a Mexican hospital.

Organ traffickers are feared to be the reason that 41-year-old Amanda Gill’s corpse came home with every vital parts missing other than her lower bowel.

Her devastated mother, 65-year-old Elaine Hines, told of her horror when her daughter ‘came home empty’.

‘They stole everything inside her,’ she told The Sunday People. ‘If this has happened to Amanda how many other people has it ­happened to and will again?’

Amanda’s sister, Katie Miller-Gill, said: ‘Where are my sister’s beautiful blue eyes? Why were they taken from her? Where is her brain, her heart?’

The 35-year-old added that the family might have considered donating the organs if only they had been asked, but says that they were stolen before they could consider it.

She thinks they may have been taken by criminals who did not think that a British family would follow the case up.

Barmaid and waitress Amanda from Shipley, West Yorkshire, died at Hospital de Cos following diabetes complications while travelling.

It is thought that she may have suffered ketoacidosis, which can by treated through fluids from an IV drip. But she died less than 12 hours after falling ill.

Hospital chiefs and local justices say they do not know what happened to the body and say it was placed in a sealed bag and handed to police with all its organs intact.

But the country is blighted by criminals and corrupt doctors who steal organs to make money from Mexico’s donor shortage.

Her mother said the family only found out about the missing parts when the body was subjected to a CT scan back in the UK.

The lack of organs meant that a postmortem could not be performed to determine how she died.

Elaine said that her daughter had been to hospital a few times with ketoacidosis but doesn’t understand why she died on this occasion.

She claims that the hospital said her daughter ‘wouldn’t take fluids’. Elaine says the first thing doctors have done in previous treatments is put her daughter on a drip, adding that ketoacidosis ‘isn’t something that would have killed her’.

Mexican authorities gave one cause of death as ‘visceral congestion’ which pathologists in the UK have been baffled by.

The family cremated the body on Amanda’s birthday, February 27, without the organs after she died in December.

Mexican authorities have blamed one another, with nobody willing to accept responsibility.

Hospital de Cos admin manager Angeles Nava said that when Amanda died the British embassy was called.

He said the embassy then called the police, who came to collect the body. He said that when the body was sealed in a bag all of the organs were in there.

Hospital de Cos handed the family documents telling them they owed the facility £1,600 for treatment.

MailOnline has contacted the police for comment, but The Sunday People says that the force refused to speak to its reporters.

Public prosecutor Edgar Camacho said he received a report about Amanda’s death with listed the cause of diabetic shock.

He claims to know nothing of the missing organs and says that no investigation had been launched even though the Foreign Office has contacted Mexican authorities.

He said it was ‘very strange’ that somebody took her brain and eyes and described Hospital de Cos as ‘very bad’.

Mr Camacho claimed that about 90 per cent of patients who are admitted to the hospital die.

A Bradford inquest into Amanda’s death said that it was more likely than not that the death was the result of natural causes but acknowledged there were unanswered questions.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office said that it is supporting the family of a British woman who died in Mexico and that it has conveyed concerns to the country’s mortuary services. (source, source)

This is a disturbing story, but it is not a surprise because it happens all the time in Mexico.

The scandal is not that this one woman was murdered in what apparently seems to be an organ trafficking operation. What is the scandal is that this happens every day without exception, that it has been going on for years, and that there has been almost absolutely no care at all or even awareness about what is happening., let alone even a semblance of action. first broke the story about organ trafficking and John Eldridge in 2015. So few were discussing it then, and yet nothing has changed at all about this. Instead, there has been more focus given to the intentional politicization of the migration issue instead of long-standing real problems such as this.

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