Jesus' Coming Back

‘Shout Your Abortion’ Founder Releases Book of Essays From Women ‘Not Sorry’ for Ending Their Child’s Life

“We’re not sorry,” declares a foreword to a new book released by those behind the “Shout Your Abortion” movement. The publication of essays, photographs and interviews compiled and edited by Amelia Bonow and Emily Nokes provides background on the unrepentant movement and focuses on the stories of women who have obtained an abortion in an effort to “illustrat[e] the profound political power of defying shame.”

“Abortion is good for women, families, and communities, and the proof is reflected in our own lives,” the foreword, written by Lindy West, claims. “Many of us have our careers or our children because of our abortions. Some of us would never have survived our abusers or our addictions without our abortions.”

“One in four of us have had lives that were determined in monumental ways by our abortions, and the vast majority of us do not regret our decisions,” it states. “But if nobody will admit they’ve had an abortion, we aren’t able to illustrate the connection between having an abortion and living a better life.”

As previously reported, the “Shout Your Abortion” movement began in 2015 after an upset Bonow posted her abortion story on Facebook upon learning that the U.S. House of Representatives had voted to defund Planned Parenthood. She shared the status with West, who then asked if she could post it on Twitter as well.

West added the hashtag #shoutyourabortion, and the tweet took off as others began coming out about their abortion.

Bonow soon also wrote an article, published by Salon, entitled “My Abortion Made Me Happy: The Story That Started the #shoutyourabortion Movement.” The piece, which used profanity and crude language, expressed no remorse for the ending of her unborn child’s life after finding herself pregnant out of wedlock, but rather only bold-faced pride.

“I don’t remember the faces of the two women who were in the room when I had an abortion. This might be because I was high on pills. I got high because I like getting high, not because I was scared,” Bonow wrote. “If I was scared, that feeling was so incongruous with the actual experience itself that it has been subsequently erased.”

“The procedure I had is commonly referred to as a Vacuum Aspiration, which tickles me because vacuuming is a thing you do in order to remove unwanted detritus from your life, and aspirations are hopes for your future, which can be destroyed by having children you don’t want,” she stated.

Bonow ended her article with the declaration, “I’m telling you my story plainly, proudly, flippantly even, because we have all been brainwashed to believe that the absence of negative emotions around having an abortion is the mark of an emotionally bankrupt person. It’s not. I have a good heart and my abortion made me happy.”

Earlier this year, Bonow and others embarked on a “Bible Belt Abortion Storytelling Hour” tour to contend that “abortion is normal” and to urge mothers who ended their children’s lives to tell their abortion story. The tour included stops in Atlanta, Georgia; Asheville, North Carolina; and New Orleans, Louisiana.

In her book on the movement, Bonow, who says that “abortion gave me the whole rest of my life,” explains that she wears the word “abortion” on her clothing most days, which attracts others to tell her that either they too aborted their child or they know someone who did.

“Most days that I do, strangers tell me about their abortions, their mother’s abortions, or the abortions had by their wives and girlfriends. I’ve had these exchanges with grocery store checkers, baristas, and dozens of Lyft drivers. It’s happened in less than 30 seconds in an elevator and more than a handful of times during a bikini wax,” Bonow writes.

The book has been endorsed by actress Martha Plimpton, abortionist Willie Parker, and former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.

However, some have expressed grief over the publication and the lack of remorse for sacrificing one’s child on the altar of self.

“[This book] shows exactly where we are—that MOST women who receive abortions use it as a form a birth control. It is that simple. They weren’t ready to be a mom, they didn’t want to change their lifestyle, etc. To SHOUT this as some great triumph, “Hey, I had an abortion and it was great” is just odd to me and one reason for checking this out,” one reviewer wrote.

“We are doing such an injustice by encouraging a generation of ‘you are so brave’ and ‘be proud of who you are’ and ‘it’s all about you’ that they are totally missing out on the whole concept of selflessness. Putting others before yourself,” she lamented. “This is not a brave book, but a sad book of women who are lost in a soulless world.”

Jeremiah 8:12 reads, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.”

Jeremiah 17:9 also declares, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?”

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 teaches, “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication, that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God. … For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit.”

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