Jesus' Coming Back

DACA immigrants rush to reregister, just 3.7 percent rejected, 699,350 accepted

Uncertainty about an Obama-era amnesty program for younger illegal immigrants has driven an unusually large number to reregister, which appears to be easy to do since less than one in 10 is rejected, according to new federal data.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency has reported that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program now has an estimated 699,350 active participants, with most from Mexico.


President Trump tried to eliminate the program but was blocked by federal judges. The administration is now hoping for a positive Supreme Court decision. The program delays deportation proceedings for two years and offers a pathway to work for illegal immigrants brought into the United States as youths. Their average age is 25.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow link below to a related story:

Over 95% DACA Applications, Renewals for Illegal Aliens Approved Under Trump

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