Hirono on MSNBC: ‘Bullsh–t’ to Blame Dems for Possible Government Shutdown

Thursday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said it would be “bullshit” if President Donald Trump attempted to blame Democrats for a government shutdown.
Discussing the deal to keep the government open until February, Hirono said, “Of course, the Senate did the responsible thing last night by keeping government running, passing this bill by a voice vote.”
She continued, “And only to have President Trump get all worked up because he’s got some right-wing loud people yelling at him on Fox News and suddenly he says, ‘Well, I don’t think I’m going to sign it.’ So it is very true that he will bring on the shutdown and he has to take responsibility for it. Any effort on his part to blame the Democrats will be such bullshit—that as I said before—I would hardly be able to stand it.”
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