Jesus' Coming Back

Putin Warns The United States: ‘If You Put Intermediate-range Missiles In Europe, Russia Will Respond.’

By Theodore Shoebat

Putin has warned that if the United States places intermediate-range missiles in Europe that Russia will respond with countermeasures. As we read in one report from DW:

An attempt to lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons could potentially result in an all-out nuclear war, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned during his traditional end-of-year press conference on Thursday. It is the first such event since the beginning of Putin’s new presidential term in May and the 14th for him in total.

“There is a tendency to lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons,” he said. “In the West, there is this idea of using low-yield nuclear weapons. The use of such weapons could lead to a global disaster,” the Russian leader stressed.

Putin pointed at the US intention to withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. He said that if the US puts intermediate-range missiles in Europe, Russia will be forced to take countermeasures.

The Russian leader also warned against developing tactical nuclear warheads and conventional long-range ballistic missiles. According to him, both are dangerous, because they increase the threat of an incidental nuclear war.

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