Jesus' Coming Back

Three Hundred Hindu Terrorists Attach Christian School, Destroy Bibles And Threaten To Attack The Students If They Go To Church

Three hundred Hindu terrorists recently attacked a Christian school in India, where they destroyed Bibles and threatened to attack the students if the were seen going to church according to a report:

As Pastor Selva Raj was leading a worship in Amathur village, located in the Virudhunagar district, a mob of 300 radicals from the Hindu Munnani group attacked. The mob destroyed a shed in front the of building being used for worship and terrorized children that had gathered for Sunday school.

“They took away the Bible storybooks and some song and activity books from the children and tore them into pieces,” Pastor Raj told Morning Star News. “They scared the children away by telling them that they will be beaten up if they are seen in the church premises ever again.”

After the attack, Pastor Raj was taken to the local police station where radicals demanded he be banished from the village. Police refused.

The Hindu radicals then put pressure on Pastor Raj’s landlord, demanding he evict the pastor from the property. While Pastor Raj has not been evicted, the landlord will not renew the rental agreement with Pastor Raj which was set to expire in January.

Attacks on Christians and their places of worship continue to rise in both number and intensity. In many areas, extremist groups like the Hindu Munanni have been given a wide berth by local authorities to attack and harass Christian communities. (source)

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