Jesus' Coming Back

Watch – Gorka on Wall Funding: ‘Nothing Is Going to Happen’; McConnell, Ryan ‘RINOs on Issue’

Sebastian Gorka, former deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, spoke with Breitbart News about the situation surrounding the border wall funding during Turning Point USA’s 2018 Student Action Summit.

“First thing’s first: the president is never going to go soft on this issue [of the border wall]. … Let’s remember Donald Trump built his campaign, his first big event, with then-Senator Sessions, when he put on that red MAGA hat,” Gorka told Breitbart News’ Alana Mastrangelo on Thursday in West Palm Beach, Florida.

“He knows this is why he’s president, so the wall will be built.”

As for what he expects will happen over “the next four weeks”, “Nothing is going to happen,” Gorka said. “Why? Because the GOP have no spine. Mitch McConnell, the outgoing speaker of the House as well, are RINOs on this issue. So we can’t expect a solution in the next month,” he added.

“For the next two years, the Democrats have the House, they have appropriations. So it’s not going to get built the way it should under another leader.”

Gorka says he expects to see much more progress from President Trump in the next two years regarding the wall and stated once the Republicans get the “House back after two years of lunacy under Nancy”, Republicans and the president will have a “cakewalk” with funding the border wall.

Jesus Christ is King

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