Jesus' Coming Back

New Textbook for UK Religious Education Classes Includes Muslim, Feminist Views on ‘Who Is Jesus?’

(Premier) Lessons about Jesus should include exploration of how Muslims view him as a prophet and investigation of his Jewish identity, experts have said. …

The textbook, titled ‘Who is Jesus?’, introduces a team of fictional scholars who each have different motivations for studying Jesus, different ways of going about their studies, and different views about how Jesus is represented in the Bible and elsewhere.

With this academic team as their guides, pupils then encounter a range of contrasting answers to, and ways of answering, the question “Who is Jesus?”

This includes analyzing sources, such as the Bible, the Koran, historical writings, rituals, interviews, architecture, artifacts and art.

Examples include “Christa,” a statue by Edwina Sandys of a naked female Christ on the cross, and the painting “Jesus and the Cross Dressers,” by Brian J. Turner, which places Jesus on a road construction site alongside four male workers dressed in women’s clothes.

View the controversial textbook here.

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