Jesus' Coming Back

Border Patrol Agent Risks Life to Save Drowning Migrant

A Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agent risked his life to rescue a drowning migrant.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) agents patrolling near Los Ebanos, Texas, responded to a report of migrants moving north from the Rio Grande River that separates Mexico and Texas. As the agents approached, they attempted to flee back to the river to escape capture, according to Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials.

The BORSTAR agents approached the river and noticed one of the migrants who appeared to be afraid to jump into the swiftly moving river. The migrant eventually jumped into the river and attempted to swim to a raft.

Agents observed the migrant having a difficult time staying afloat. He eventually went underwater for an extended period, officials reported. One of the BORSTAR agents quickly jumped into the river and successfully recovered the migrant and pulled him back to safety.

BORSTAR agents, who are medically trained for emergency trauma, assessed the migrant and determined him to be in good health.

The agents transported the migrant to the station for processing on immigration violations.

The number of migrants rescued by Border Patrol agents rose significantly during the most recent fiscal year which ended on September 30. During that period, agents rescued more than 4,300 illegal immigrants who put themselves in life-endangering situations, Breitbart News reported. On average, agents rescued about 12 migrants per day. In the first two months of FY 2019, that number jumped 74 percent, Border Patrol officials told reporters during a conference call on December 14.

Breitbart News reports extensively on the rescue of migrants by the Border Patrol. Frequently, agents put their own lives at risk when migrants place themselves in dangerous situations. In a recent example, a McAllen Station agent came under attack from migrants throwing large rocks as he attempted to rescue a pregnant woman who had crossed the border.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for the Breitbart Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

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