Trump Tells Erdogan Regarding Syria: “It’s All Yours. We Are Done” — Trump Is Giving Power To Turkey To Further Invade Syria

Lets go back to the early 1900s.
War broke out between Russia and Japan on February 8th, 1904, in what is called the Russo-Japanese War. Korea declared its neutrality over the conflict, but this did not help her. During the war, the Japanese slaughtered six thousand Russians in the Battle of Tsushima (May 27-28, 1905).
This victory impressed the Americans so much that president Teddy Roosevelt said: “I was pro-Japanese before, but after my experience with the peace commissioners I am far stronger pro-Japanese than ever.”
What was the end result? The US screwed over the king of Korea, Gojong, and allowed the Japanese to invade his country by pulling out all American troops, and telling European countries to withdraw their troops from Korea as well, giving Japan the green light to take over. So here is a brief historical reality that cannot be ignored, of how double-faced American diplomacy is. In July of 1905, Roosevelt — without Congress’ approval — sent a secret cable to Tokyo authorizing the Japanese annexation of Korea. Even though Gojong desperately asked the Americans for help, it did not matter. As Roosevelt said: “Korea should be entirely within Japan’s sphere of interest.” The Japanese were “a wonderful and civilized people,” Roosevelt wrote, “entitled to stand on an absolute equality with all the other peoples of the civilized world.”
Before the Japanese took over Korea, Roosevelt went so far as to cut off relations with Korea, gave the American legation over to the Japanese, and deleted the word “Korea” from the State Department’s Record of Foreign Relations and replaced it with the heading of “Japan.” So to the Americans, Korea no longer existed.
The plan of the United States to have Japan seize Korea did not begin right in the moment of the Russo-Japanese War, but was conceived years prior to the conflict. In the year 1900, Roosevelt wrote: “I should like to see Japan have Korea.” In 1904, when Japan broke off relations with Russia, the United States put up a front of diplomacy, with Roosevelt saying that he would “maintain the strictest neutrality,” but privately he wrote, “The sympathies of the United States are entirely on Japan’s side.”
In June of 1905, Roosevelt made international headlines when he invited both Russia and Japan to end the war, similarly to how Trump has invited North Korea, South Korea, Russia and Japan, for a peace summit. On the surface, this seemed like a noble move towards peace, but in private the motivation was revealed: the invitation was solely for the benefit of Japan. As Roosevelt wrote to his son:
“I have of course concealed from everyone — literally everyone — the fact that I acted in the first place on Japan’s suggestion … . Remember that you are to let no one know that in this matter of the peace negotiations I have acted at the request of Japan and that each step has been taken with Japan’s foreknowledge, and not merely with her approval but with her expressed desire.”
So the idea of America giving the permission to one country to invade a neighboring is not far-fetched, and nor should the suspicion of this happening really surprise us or give us the impression of something far-fetched.
Another thing that links with Turkish expansion deeper into Syria and America’s backing of it is the supposed release of pastor Andrew Brunson.
Brunson made for a perfect propaganda prop. By having a Christian pastor as the persecuted victim, the United States could then act tough with Turkey and negotiate for his release and at the same time support Turkey’s imperialism, thereby making it look as though the United Stated is not completely on the side of Turkey, while backing its expansion deeper into Syria.The United States used the Brunson situation — a poor pastor being freed after years of imprisonment and confinement — as an opportunity to say, ‘Okay, now that the pastor has been liberated, we can discuss Syria with you.’ By ‘negotiating’ for Brunson’s release, the Americans can then say that the pastor is freed and hence that means that Turkey can be reasoned with and that the United States is controlling the beast. The Brunson strategy was about unleashing the beast.
What I am suspecting is that the negotiation for Brunson’s release was a show, to make the United State’s appear justified to give leeway to Turkey. It was to appear that we are not soft with Turkey, while giving freedom to Turkey’s militarist policy.
The United States government was looking at the Brunson fiasco knowing full well that they were going to back Turkey. Erdogan knew this. Hence why he said, before Brunson was released, that the Manbij ‘roadmap’ plan was going to happen regardless of any tensions between the US and Turkey. As the Hurriyet Daily News reported:
“Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdoğan said on Aug. 3 that he expected a joint roadmap with the United States regarding the northern Syrian city of Manbij not to be impacted by tensions bewteen the NATO allies.”
After Brunson was released, he not too long afterwards supported Erdogan’s demand to have Fethullah Gulen extradited back to Turkey. As our colleague Andrew Bieszad wrote:
It is curious that Pastor Brunson, who was hailed as a “champion” of “religious liberty” and “freedom of expression”, and who was supposedly “imprisoned” for it, would now go out and lobby to have a man of a political-religious sect who sought refuge in America to be thrown in prison because of his beliefs and who without question will be put to death for it if he is sent back to Turkey.
This is another reason why Brunson is a prop for Turkey’s and the US’ geopolitical scheme.
Another thing that the United States used the Brunson situation for was to get the Turkish government to pressure the Archbishop of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, to allow for the creation of a Ukrainian Orthodox Church, independent of the Moscow Patriarchate. Why would the US have an interest in such a religious matter? The US does not care about theology, but rather using theological controversies to spark nationalism, which can then lead to conflict between Ukrainians and Russians. The United States and NATO has been in the business of sparking nationalism going all the way back to the Cold War. Hence why the US worked with the major SS leader Klaus Barbie after World War Two.
Nationalism is being sparked in both East and West; bloodbaths will ensue, and the wicked contrivers — those who speak oppression and revolt (Isaiah 59:13) and those who make “the ephah small and the shekel large” (Amos 8:5) — with hands rubbed together, will laugh and profit off death.
Under the Obama administration, Turkey was empowered. Under the Trump administration, Turkey is being empowered.
Parties change, policy does not. And what remains is the cabal that profits off of destruction.
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