Jesus' Coming Back

Mom at Abortion Facility ‘Blessing’ Sings ‘Lullaby’ She Claims ‘Spirit’ of Child She Aborted Gave Her to Say ‘It’s Okay’

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A video posted to YouTube shows a woman at an abortion facility “blessing” event singing what she called a “lullaby,” claiming that the spirit of her child gave her the song to say that it was “okay” to go through with the abortion.

The woman, who has not been identified, states in the footage that two weeks before her abortion, she started having “visions and talking to the spirit of the child” in her womb. While she was waiting at the abortion facility to have the procedure to end her baby’s life, a “lullaby’ came to her that she believed again came from the child.

“I knew it was from the spirit of that child, saying, ‘It’s okay,’” she told those gathered at the event.

The woman then began to sing the song she said came from the baby, which was actually the tune “I Will (Love You Forever)” sung by The Beatles.

“Who knows how long I’ve loved you? You know I love you still. I will wait a lonely lifetime; if you want me to, I will,” she sang. “Love you forever and forever, love you with all my heart. Love you whenever we’re together, love you when we’re apart.”

“I truly felt that it was a blessing from the spirit to make the decision that I needed to make,” the woman said.

According to reports, the woman delivered her speech outside of Your Choice Healthcare of Columbus, a recently-opened abortion facility in the city that offers abortion pills up to nine weeks, six days gestation.

The organization’s Facebook event page outlines that the gathering took place on Nov. 9, and featured “various prayers, music, and abortion storytelling,” as well as a speech from Susan Smith of Crazy Faith Ministries, who formerly led Advent United Church of Christ in Columbus. Smith had also participated in a “blessing” ceremony at East Columbus Surgical Center in October.

The video clip of the woman’s claim that her baby’s spirit gave her The Beatles’ song as a lullaby to tell her it was alright to proceed with the abortion has generated much sorrow among its viewers.

“You have to be demented to think your soon-to-be aborted baby is giving you a lullaby to tell you it’s okay to kill it. This woman and anyone who agrees with her really need prayer,” one commenter wrote.

“Is it just me? Or did she get the wrong ‘message’ from that song?” another asked.

“According to this woman, shortly before she killed her baby, her baby sang a Beatles song to her, telling the mom that it was okay to dismember, decapitate and disembowel her (the baby.) And NARAL and other advocates of abortion continue to tell themselves and others that moms do not suffer from hiring other people to kill their children. Unbelievable,” a third lamented.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says that “there is nothing new under the sun.” As previously reported, in an introductory lecture to his course on obstetrics in 1854, Dr. Hugh Lennox Hodge lamented that even the mothers of his day sought out ways to kill their unborn child. He explained that if a woman were to come to a medical doctor in pursuit of an abortion, “he must, as it were, grasp the conscience of his weak and erring patient and let her know in language not to be misunderstood that she is responsible to her Creator for the life of the being within her.”

“The procuring abortion is ‘a base and unmanly act,’” Hodge also said, quoting in part text from a court ruling of his day. “It is a crime against the natural feelings of man, against the welfare and safety of females, against the peace and prosperity of society, against the divine command ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ It is murder.”

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