‘Shout Your Abortion’ Founder Talks to Children About Abortion, Claims ‘It’s All Part of God’s Plan’
A video that has been denounced as “brainwashing,” entitled “Kids Meet Someone Who’s Had an Abortion,” was posted to social media on Friday. It features “Shout Your Abortion” movement founder Amelia Bonow asking youth questions about abortion and opining to one young boy that she believes it is “all part of God’s plan.”
In the video, which has received over 400K views as of press time, Bonow explains that she became pregnant a few years ago and “really didn’t want to have a baby,” so she decided without reservation to obtain an abortion.
Two young girls ask Bonow what happens when one has an abortion.
“You go to the doctor, and they put this little straw inside of your cervix, and then inside of your uterus, and then they just suck the pregnancy out,” she replies. “And it was like a cr*ppy dentist appointment or something. It was just like, ‘This is a body thing that’s kind of uncomfortable,’ but then it was over, and I felt really just grateful that I wasn’t pregnant anymore.”
Bonow also inquires of a young boy if he believes that there are situations in which it is not right to have an abortion.
“I want to say if, like, you are being reckless [or] if there’s nothing wrong going on,” he replies.
“Do we want people to just have all those babies?” Bonow asks, disagreeing.
“No,” the boy answers.
“So what do we do with them?” she questions.
“Put them up for adoption,” the boy states.
Bonow, continuing to disagree with the boy’s responses, says that the situation would still force her to “create life” and that she would still have a child somewhere in the world—even if she put them up for adoption.
“I feel like if I am forced to create life, I have lost the right to my own life,” she asserts. “I should be the one to decide if my body creates a life. Even if you give a kid up for adoption, you still have a kid out there somewhere.”
Bonow then asks the boy if he is religious, and inquires what he believes God thinks about abortion.
“I think He’s fine with it because there are still babies being born,” the boy replies, who then asks Bonow what she thinks.
“I think it’s all part of God’s plan,” she claims, later also stating that she believes life doesn’t being until the baby is born.
Bonow also asks the two young girls—one of whom identifies as Catholic—what they believe about abortion, and they state that the decision is up to the person.
“I feel supported by that,” she comments, smiling.
Two teenagers that Bonow interviews also opine that a “fetus” in the womb is “not really a human being yet.”
“I kind of like to compare it to a sea cucumber. It’s not thinking; it’s just living,” one of the teens remarks. “It’s like, your arm is not capable of complex thought. Neither is a baby inside your womb.”
Later, Bonow tells the teens that she thinks the word “pro-life” is “propaganda, because often the people that say that don’t want to take care of people who have babies that they can’t afford and then are totally poor.”
“They want to deprive people access to healthcare,” she claims. “And I’m just like, ‘You guys aren’t pro-life. I’m pro-life.’”
At the end of the video, one teen asks Bonow if she has any tattoos, and she turns her bottom lip inside out to reveal the word “abortion” written inside.
The post has generated over a thousand comments as of press time.
“This is terrible,” one viewer wrote. “She’s a reckless adult who didn’t want to accept the consequences of her reckless behavior, she has zero remorse, and she’s trying to promote her reckless and immoral behavior to kids as being normal and okay.”
“I could not finish watching this. It broke my heart,” another lamented. “These children were used as pawns to promote an agenda. As many … have said, let’s also have a conversation with someone who regrets their abortion. I know from personal experience that most women do regret their choice.”
“Far as I’m concerned, this is brainwashing our young. Since they are led to believing her, they should see what happens when a baby is aborted or perhaps listen to a person who survived an abortion,” a third opined.
“Sick,” another wrote. “I was in the sitting room watching this. My little sister—she’s 11—sat across from me. I looked up and saw her in tears, after having overheard the video. She goes, ‘So, did she really have the abortion?’ And broke down. It is so obvious that this is wrong. A child can see it, but these people can’t. Choice? It’s despicable.”
1 Timothy 4:2 states that in the last days, there will be those who have “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” Proverbs 6:17 also declares that God “hates hands that shed innocent blood.”
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