Netanyahu meets with Christian friends of Israel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sara Netanyahu meet with Christian friends of Israel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on December 30, 2018. (photo credit: AVI OHAYON – GPO)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sara Netanyahu met with Christian friends of Israel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Sunday. Netanyahu and his wife are on the third day of a six-day visit to Brazil to attend the inauguration of Brazilian president-elect Jair Bolsonaro.
Netanyahu spoke at the event, “We have no better friends in the world than the Evangelical community, and the Evangelical community has no better friend in the world than the State of Israel.”
“There is only one place in the Middle East where life is safe and there is only one place where the Christian community grows and flourishes,” Netanyahu continued. “That place is the State of Israel. In other countries in the Middle East, Christians must either be very careful or leave the country, but not in Israel. You are our brothers and sisters, and we defend Christian rights just like we defend the rights of all religions.”
“It is not solely a matter of justice or values, it is a matter of deep recognition of our common ancient customs and our common heritage.”
“Israel and Jerusalem are one and the same. Since the days of King David, 300 years before King Hezekiah, Jerusalem was the capital of our people, and remains the capital of our people and will remain the united and eternal capital of the Jewish people forever. You do not need this reminder because you know our history, and you know our common roots.”
“Our histories, our beliefs and our values are intertwined. Every time we dig in our land we uncover ancient synagogues or ancient churches. At times, we don’t even need to dig to uncover them.”
“When you come to Israel today, you see a country that accepts you as brothers and sisters, you see a country that values freedom of religion, you see a country that is proud of our past and carries our values into the future. You see a country whose ambition was that every human being was created in the image of God. This is the original idea of equality, from the ancient world, thousands of years ago.”
“These are the values from which our modern civilization emerged. They are anchored in our precious beliefs. These beliefs and values also shape the future. We now have the opportunity to create the future in Brazil together. President Bolesonaro said we were brothers. We are brothers and we will grasp the future together.”
“You know that President Bolsonaru’s first name in Hebrew is Yair, which is also the name of our son. In Hebrew, Yair means: one who brings light. I think we now have the opportunity to bring an abundance of light together to the citizens of Brazil and Israel. This is a covenant between brothers.”
“I invite you all to next year in Jerusalem. I invite all of you to come to Israel, next year – two days from now. We will welcome you with all the love and warmth reserved for family members. You are our family and we are your family.
“I look forward to seeing you in Jerusalem, my brothers and sisters,” Netanyahu concluded.
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