Jesus' Coming Back

Christian Singer Natalie Grant Shares How Her Daughter Prayed Her Through a Panic Attack

Christian Singer Natalie Grant Shares How Her Daughter Prayed Her Through a Panic Attack

Contemporary Christian singer Natalie Grant shared on Saturday, how her 11-year-old daughter praying over her during a panic attack revealed the power of faith and prayer.

Grant took to Facebook on Saturday to share the experience from earlier in the day. 

According to CBN News, the singer was on a flight on her way home, when she had a panic attack, something she said she has not had in quite some time. She wrote, “I don’t exactly know what triggered it. Maybe the exhaustion of the last month of touring, going straight into Christmas, and I’m a little run down.”

“Then again, I was also extra sad to leave my parents this time,” she added. 

Five minutes into the flight, Grant wrote that her panic attack was debilitating. She noted that she couldn’t breathe, and she couldn’t stop moving. She wrote, “I felt ridiculous. Embarrassed. Ashamed. And at that moment, my Gracie girl took my hand and said, ‘Jesus, right now we say no to fear and yes to truth. Because Jesus, you are greater than any fear.’”

Grant revealed that as her daughter prayed for her, she realized that she needed to “grab ahold” of her faith. She wrote, “And as she prayed, I made a decision to grab ahold of what I know, instead of wallow in what I felt. Faith isn’t a magic potion. It’s a choice. My 11-year old daughter helped me choose well, tonight.”

Grant then encouraged her followers who, like her, suffer from panic attacks. She said, “I often beat myself up after I struggle with panic, thinking my faith should be more giant-like. Tonight I was reminded it just needs to be more child-like.”

Grant’s post was met by wide-spread support and gratitude as other’s chimed in on the conversation about mental health and faith. 

One Facebook user, Alonzo Ramirez, wrote, “Thank you for sharing this vulnerable moment in your life. Being a Christian doesn’t exclude us from anxiety and depression. We can however use our faith to overcome. ‘Jesus, right now we say no to fear and yes to truth.’”

Another, Nikki Nicole Schartung, wrote, “I love this so much!!! I struggle with panic attacks as well! And to outsiders it can seem silly! I always find comfort in praying when I feel this way! How awesome of sweet Gracie!”

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Jason Davis/Stringer

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