From twerking dogbots to sassy sidekicks: The most alarming robots this year (VIDEOS)

This year has been quite spectacular for tech developments, but some seriously creepy robots that are alarmingly sophisticated and human-like have also been unveiled.
1: Atlas
As is their tradition, robotic engineering company Boston Dynamics freaked all humans out by unveiling the new abilities of their latest model.
In October, it was revealed that their robot Atlas can now hop stairs without losing any speed, adding to its long list of impressive functions like running on uneven surfaces, getting up after being knocked over, jumping and backflipping. Excuse us while we dig an emergency bunker out back.
CIMON, the ‘Crew Interactive MObile companioN’, is a new $6 million addition to the International Space Station. The 3D-printed basketball-sized plastic orb is designed to improve crew efficiency and morale during long space missions – but if its debut interaction with German astronaut Alexander Gerst is anything to go by, it could do with an attitude readjustment.
3: Spot strikes again
The robo-dog Spot that haunted humanity’s dreams earlier this year with its ability to open doors decided to taunt us further in 2018 by proving it can also twerk. The footage simply solidifies the notion that there is now literally nothing humans can do that robots can’t do better. (Just in case you had any residual doubt.)
4: Kengoro
We were also introduced to the latest model of the ‘sweating’ robot, named ‘Kengoro’, created by researchers at the University of Tokyo. With an alarming 174 maneuverable joints powered by 116 motors and a cooling system that resembles human sweating, the robot can do pretty much any movement a human can do.
5: ANYmal
Proving that our worst enemies are ourselves, humans are actually competing to create the most advanced robot. Case in point: the Zurich-based Robotic Systems Lab, who engineered their own version of a door-opening dog. They call it the ANYmal robot which can summon elevators, open doors and pick up trash. Nowhere is safe.
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