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‘Ask her psychiatrist’ – Trump on Warren believing she can win in 2020

President Trump laughed off Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s chances at a run for the presidency in 2020, telling Fox News to “ask her psychiatrist” if she thinks she can unseat him next year.

In an interview clip aired New Year’s Eve, Fox reporter Pete Hegseth said that Warren “says she’s in the fight all the way,” before asking Trump “do you really think she believes she can win?”

“Well, that I don’t know,” Trump replied. “You’d have to ask her psychiatrist.”

Trump also jibed Warren for taking a DNA test in October in an attempt to prove her Native American ancestry. Warren has often spoken of her family’s supposed Indian heritage, but Trump ridiculed her claims, dubbing the New England Democrat “Pocahontas.” The test revealed Warren’s genetic lineage was around 1/1,024th Native American, resulting in further ridicule from Trump, as well as condemnation from the Cherokee Nation.

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Skepticism & Pocahontas jokes: Twitter reacts to news Elizabeth Warren running for president in 2020

“She did very badly in proving she was of Indian heritage,” Trump sniped on Monday. “That didn’t work out too well. I think you have more than she does, and maybe I do too, and I have nothing.”

While Trump has singled out Warren before, his latest barbs came hours after Warren announced that she will launch an “exploratory committee” to consider a run for the highest office in the land. The announcement came as no surprise to pundits, as Warren has been named as a potential candidate from as far back as 2016, and was described by the New York Times’ David Leonhardt as a surefire Trump-beater in a speculative article published in July.

Throughout her political career, Warren has been an outspoken critic of corporate greed, markets herself as a defender of America’s middle class, and worked to establish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Her announcement video stuck to this progressive agenda.

“America’s middle class is under attack,” Warren said in the video. “How did we get here? Billionaires and big corporations decided they wanted more of the pie. And they enlisted politicians to cut them a bigger slice.”

Warren’s big reveal on Monday was greeted with skepticism, jokes, and Pocahontas memes. Internet trolls aren’t the only demographic with ‘reservations’ about a Warren presidency either. A recent Harvard poll put the Senator in fifth place in a crowded field of Democratic hopefuls, lagging behind former Vice President Joe Biden, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, former candidate Hillary Clinton, and TV star Oprah Winfrey.

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