Jesus' Coming Back

Germany Continues The Transition Of Her Nationalist Plans After She Declares That “Domestic Problems” Are Going To Cause A Decline In “Tax Revenue”

Germany has recently declared that years of high tax revenue are over, citing as the cause “domestic problems” according to a report:

Finance Minister Olaf Scholz says Germany will have to say goodbye to the tax revenue windfalls it has been accustomed to. International and domestic problems are acting as a drag on Germany’s economic growth.

Germany’s “fat years” of higher-than-expected revenue from tax receipts are over, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz warned on Sunday, signaling that Europe’s top economy is set to lose momentum in the next few years.

“The good times in which the state kept taking in more taxes than expected are coming to an end,” Scholz told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. That, he said, restricted the government’s capacity for passing new tax cuts or increasing public investment.

Germany was, however, expected to post another budget surplus in 2018, Scholz said, after it posted a €36.6 billion ($41.7 billion) surplus in 2017.

The German government has spent less than it has received in tax revenues in every fiscal year since 2014 as a result of strong economic growth, high wages and record-low unemployment.

Scholz, a Social Democrat (SPD), cited the predicted fall in tax revenue as a reason for why he opposed abolishing the “Solidarity Surcharge,” a controversial tax designed to help finance development projects in eastern states that were part of communist East Germany.

The SPD’s coalition partners, the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), have called for ending the surcharge by 2021.

Economic contraction in 2018

Germany’s economic outlook appears fragile after the economy contracted for the first time in more than three years in the third quarter of 2018. In response, the government cut its growth forecast for 2018 to 1.5-1.6 percent, down from the 2.2 percent expansion registered for 2017.

Ongoing trade tensions between the United States and China, problems in the German car industry and uncertainty about the United Kingdom’s planned exit from the European Union have all contributed to the slow down.

Scholz, who succeeded veteran CDU finance chief Wolfgang Schäuble in early 2018, has vowed to uphold his predecessor’s “black zero” policy of maintaining a balanced federal budget.

That policy has angered Germany’s European peers and some international organizations, which have called on Berlin to increase public investment to help rectify the country’s massive trade surplus with the rest of the world. (source, source)

Remember this day- January 5th, 2018, because this marks the beginning day of the transition to Germany’s next phase of the plan that we have been warning about for years.

For those who are unaware, has expressed concern over Germany’s importation of migrants into her nation, as we have proved repeatedly that there is no migrant “invasion” taking place, but rather a carefully coordinated population transfer being directly orchestrated by the government. This transition intentionally involved taking in people from all around the world with little to no screening process, giving them as much welfare as they could, and as welfare without a means of social connection is proven to breed crime in any society regardless of location or time, a crime wave erupted and the police intentionally refused to prosecute cases. This has caused several things to happen, which include a dramatic drop in support for “migrants,” a resurgence of nationalism, calls for militarism, and a general anger that has infected the public.

Ted and I warned repeatedly that the purpose of doing this was the above, but that a central point involved the intentional bankrupting of the German treasury and tax revenues. This would inevitably happen because of overly high expenditures, and the Germans knew this would happen because they wanted it to happen in order that the government would be able to blame “those refugees that Merkel brought in for stealing our money and destroying our way of life,” at which point it would lead to anti-migrant violence and calls for more militarism.

Remember that Merkel ran for office on an anti-immigrant platform, and has since become the most “pro-migrant” voice out of nowhere. This was not by accident or a mere change in disposition, but because it was part of a larger plan to revive militarism.

This is also why Ted and I have warned repeatedly that not only should people who are refugees or who do not “look German” should not go to Germany as a refugee in any capacity, but that those who are there need to seriously consider making plans to leave Germany NOW. Even if a person has lived there for a long time, as the rise in nationalism will lead to violence against them. If one considers that Germany and Poland are neighbors, they physically look almost the same, have very similar cultures, and yet Germany has mercilessly persecuted and tormented the Poles for centuries, what will Germany do to anybody who does not look “German” or “European” at all, and has neither historical roots nor linguistic similarities or cultural overlap with what would be considered “traditional” German culture? They will likely be treated worse than the Poles were, and given Germany’s history of violence, will be easily identified and sent off to heinous deaths as with what happened with millions of Polish, Russian, other Slavic and Jewish peoples.

Germany cannot outright say “We want to murder these people so we can take over Europe again, Seig Heil,” but has to do it in a progressive manner. It is the same analogy of the “frog in the pot”- a frog placed into a pot of boiling water jumps out immediately, but a frog in a pot of warm water where the temperature is slowly turned up cooks to death without even realizing he is being cooked.

As a part of making the transition to open nationalism, the German government, as noted here, will begin to talk about “domestic problems” and “declining tax revenue.” This will automatically translate into the minds of the average, well-meaning German who follows any sort of news about his country that the problem is likely a result of “those migrants taking benefits.” The purpose is to spread this idea within the German consciousness so that just how the idea of nationalism became revived on the level of a national consciousness due to the deviant behavior that ensued following the “refugee crisis,” the idea of “refugees stealing our money for themselves while contributing nothing to society” will be the unspoken but agreed upon national consensus.

Once the individuals in government have spread this idea for a time, it is likely that one will start to hear about “refugees” and allusions that gently connect them to the declining tax revenue as a part of the natural building upon the same idea. This will eventually create a “snowball effect” that will continue to intensify until a point where it will likely no longer be considered a social taboo, but a warmly embraced pattern of speech to viciously attack “theiving invaders,” and the political candidate who promises the most aggressive stance against them will be lauded and pushed into power, and those who would dare to suggest that such speech is at the very least unhealthy and will lead to violence will become victims of violence themselves in the name of “defending the Vaterland” and “Deutschland über Alles”.

People wonder how history progresses from one point to another, and the answer always is that it is a series of small points which interlock and eventually lead to certain conclusions that are of the same philosophical natures as those previously made, except the difference being that the end results become clearer the further one progresses.

This is what is happening right now. This transition in speech about “declining revenues” is one of those points. It is not a “major” point, but just as many small things come together to form a great whole, so it is that the many small changes will realize a great change, at which point many will say “how did we get here,’ to which one must respond with the words of Jacob Marley while haunting Ebenezer Scrooge:

“I wear the chain I wore in life. I made it link by link and yard by yard.”

Germany will not return to her historical ways overnight, but it will be action by action, and decision by decision, with each one leading to another, and as the changes accumulate will yield their natural fruit.

This is a warning and counsel to the wise who understand, for it is a witness to the repeat of history taking place before our eyes and, as it so often happens, the majority fail to see before it is far too late to change anything.

Jesus Christ is King

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