Jesus' Coming Back

Title Of ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ Revealed To Be ‘The Last Jedi: Take Two’

U.S.—Many have been wondering how J. J. Abrams will follow up the critically acclaimed Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi, and now there is a clue, as the title of the next Star Wars film has been revealed: Star Wars: Episode IX – The Last Jedi: Take Two.

“What Rian Johnson did with The Last Jedi was absolutely brilliant,” J. J. Abrams said in a press conference after revealing the title. “The way he took all those plot threads I set up in The Force Awakens — the mysterious Snoke, Rey’s parentage — and just sort of threw them away… I never would have thought of that. And how he turned Luke Skywalker into an old crank and then killed him — how do you follow up such genius? Well, you don’t.”

Abrams explained he felt he just wasn’t smart enough to follow up Rian Johnson’s work, so he was going to take all that Johnson did and put it into a “brilliance bucket” — a container Abrams held up that looked similar to a wastepaper basket — and start over.

Other than the fact that Episode IX will reset to the end of The Force Awakens, little is known about the plot. It has been revealed, though, that along with the return of Snoke, a new villain will be introduced — Ree An Jan-Son — an evil entity whom the heroes will have to stop from completely ruining the universe.

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