Jesus' Coming Back

Violence In Ukraine Is A Bloody Image That Presages Another Horrific War That Will Devastate Europe

By Theodore Shoebat

Millions of people have suffered in Ukraine because of the political machinations of both NATO and Russia. A recent report from the BPB recounts this dismal reality:

Since 2014, more than 10,000 people have died in the war. According to the German Red Cross , around 3.4 million people were dependent on humanitarian aid in the summer of 2018. About 2.8 million people were forced to flee from eastern Ukraine, including 1.6 million internally displaced persons. The former coal and industrial area of ​​the Donetsk Basin is in ruins.

The same report also speaks of Russia’s involvement in the Russian incursions into Crimea:

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict began in the days following the Maidan revolution in early 2014. On February 27, 2014, soldiers without sovereignty insignia appeared on the Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula. They declared that they wanted to protect the rights of ethnic Russians in the Crimea, occupied strategically important points, including the regional parliament, and established a new regional government. Initially, Russia participated in the participation of its own soldiers. Months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted on state television that they were Russian special forces.

What concrete goals Russia is pursuing with its Ukraine policy is unclear to many observers. At his ” Crimean speech“Vladimir Putin spoke of the restoration of the unity of a historical Russia to which he also counted the South of Ukraine in a press conference on April 17, 2014. This questioned the sovereignty of the Ukrainian state of Russia, in the same month in Eastern Ukraine According to observers, former members and active members of the Russian military intelligence service GRU were directly involved in this, as of August 2014, after Russia had also established regular armed forces in eastern Ukraine.

There was also coordination and collaboration between the US and Ukrainian intelligence in commencing the Ukrainian revolution against Viktor Yanukovych. In 2014, right after the Euromaidan revolution, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, who was before this the first deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine, was elected Commissioner in charge of supervision over the Security Service of Ukraine. Nalyvaichenko’s work with Ukraine’s Security Service was highly controversial on account of his deep history with the CIA. In fact, when the Security Service had its graduation ceremony for recruits in 2008, it was attended by both the US ambassador William Taylor Jr. and Nalyvaichenko whose decision to invite the ambassador was criticized by current and former employees of the Security Service.

The Euromaidan revolution of 2014 was infested with Ukrainian nationalists and Nazis who were militants of various violent paramilitary organizations. Information actually leaked out revealing that Nalyvaichenko was involved with summer training camps for the Stephan Bandera Tryzub, a Nazi neo-Nazi organization. That the head of the Ukrainian Security Service (which is the CIA of Ukraine) was working to train neo-Nazis, and that this head of the Service was intimate with Washington, really reveals that the Gladio policy — in which NATO intelligence services recruited and trained Nazis after the Second World War to form paramilitaries in Europe — never ended and still continues today. This may shed light as to why German neo-Nazis were traveling to Ukraine to fight Russians, and why the French metal singer, Famine, travelled to Kiev to spread pro-Nazi propaganda late 2017.

It was in such training camps for Ukrainian Nazis that on July 17th, 2013, in the village of Ternopol, Dmytry Yarosh, leader of the Tryzub, declared that Ukraine needs a “national revolution” and as long as “the Russian Empire in any form” exists, Ukrainian independence will be impossible. In early April 2014, the Ukrainian publication, Ukrainian Pravda (“Ukrainian Truth”) published a report entitled, Za Kulisamy Pravogo Sektora (“The Right Sector: Behind the Scene”). The report noted how Nalyvaichenko, while a member of parliament, had Nazi terrorist Dmytry Yarosh, as his aid and consultant in the Supreme Rada.

It is not that surprising that McCain collaborated with the Nazi party in Ukraine, Svoboda, even with its leader, Oleh Tyahnybok. The resurgence of ultra-nationalism in Ukraine does not only involve anti-Russian sentiment, but also anti-Polish sentiment as well. McCain’s ally Tyahnybok actually demanded that Poland give to Ukraine 19 of its districts. On April of 2013, the Polish government registered a draft resolution that declared the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) and UPA (the Ukrainian Insurgent Army) as main perpetrators of the genocide of the Polish people during the Third Reich reign of terror. The Ukrainian government struck back at Poland, with Ukraine’s parliament stating that the “project shows signs of Polish colonialism and chauvinism, interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine and territorial claims of Ukraine.” (See Byshok & Kochetkov, Neo Nazis & Euromaidan)

To this day Ukraine honors these Ukrainian death squads as heroes, as a report from CS Monitor states:

Tensions between Ukrainians and one of their traditional oppressors, Poland, go back centuries. But the current acrimony has its roots in the chaotic events of World War II, when Ukrainian nationalists sided with Nazi Germany in hopes that defeat of the Soviet Union could lead to creation of a Ukrainian state. The Nazis had other plans, and Bandera was arrested when he tried to declare independence in 1941.

But thousands of his followers in the UPA continued their battle, often in collaboration with the Nazis, in hopes of achieving that goal. Critics argue that, while they were certainly “fighters for Ukrainian independence,” they are in no way presentable as founding father figures due to their fascist ideology, collaboration with the Nazis, and involvement in mass ethnic cleansings of non-Ukrainian ethnic groups.

Tensions between Poland and Ukraine are still ongoing and increasing. Poland passed a law criminalizing propaganda in favor of the racist Bandera ideology, and also any denial of the military crimes committed by Ukrainian allies of the Nazis (particularly, the Volhynia Massacre of 1943-1945). The bloodthirstiness and cruelty really showed itself in Volhynia where Ukrainian nationalists butchered a quarter of a million Poles.

It is this genocide that the Poles mention often, and it is the mention of this genocide that enrages Ukrainian nationalists who adamantly will deny this butchery. While the Polish government criminalizes denial of this genocide and praise for the murderers, the Ukrainian government officially recognizes the Ukrainian Insurgent Army members as “fighters for the freedom and revival of the Ukrainian statehood” and actually makes it a criminal offence to object to their violent acts. 

Here is an observation that is worth considering: the fact that Ukraine still praises the orchestrators and executors of genocide, means that Ukrainian nationalists can do it all again. And yes, I am suggesting that Ukrainian nationalists can bring back the killing fields and butcher hundreds of thousands of Poles.

In the year 2014, our modern world — so used to war violence being seen in the Middle East and Africa — saw the savagery of the European pagan in Ukraine. In the region of Odessa on May 2nd of 2014, political opponents were burned alive in a building by Ukrainian nationalists, the descendants of the nationalists who butchered Poles in Volhynia. The militants set the building on fire with molotov cocktails and cried out, “Glory to Ukraine!” as they watched with glee as people, agonizing in flames, leaped out of windows.

We have become so conditioned to talk about war torn Africa, or the war torn Middle East, that when someone mentions the idea of a war torn Europe, devastated by Europeans killing one another over ideology, that people will listen with an indifferent silence that comes from a mind urging to talk about the headlines of the Middle East or what the president said.

But we must at least conceive the idea in our minds: Europe will be ripped apart by war, and we have already seen a bloody image of this in Ukraine. 

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