Jesus' Coming Back

‘Criticism of Christian Education in America Should Stop,’ Vice President Pence Defends His Wife amid Media Backlash

‘Criticism of Christian Education in America Should Stop,’ Vice President Pence Defends His Wife amid Media Backlash

Vice President Mike Pence’s wife was the target of criticism this week after she announced that she would be teaching art at a private conservative Christian school, and the Vice President is stepping up to defend her.

Karen Pence announced this week that she would be teaching art at Immanuel Christian School which requires its applicants to sign a document signifying that they believe marriage is between one man and one woman and that they would not promote “transgender identity.”

After making the announcement, Pence was met with harsh backlash from critics who believe it is inappropriate for the Vice President’s wife to work somewhere that “discriminates against the LGBT community”

Tony Pasanski wrote on Twitter, “She needs to explain why it’s okay to teach in a place that discriminates against the LGBT community, who are Americans that pay taxes.”

The ALCU also criticized the decision tweeting, “This sends a terrible message to students. Do we want to live in a country with leaders who are willing to disavow LGBTQ youth?”

Now, Vice President Pence is defending his wife’s decision. According to the Daily Caller, in an interview with EWTN Pence said, “My wife and I have been in the public eye for quite a while but I have to tell you, to see major news organizations attacking Christian education is deeply offensive.” 

The Vice President continued, “We have a rich tradition in America of Christian education and, frankly, religious education broadly defined. We celebrate it. The freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States.”

“The Constitution prohibits a religious test for holding public office, so we’ll let the critics roll off our back. But this criticism of Christian education in America should stop,” he concluded.

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Paul Morigi/Stringer

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