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Man Takes Woman, Punches Her Dozens Of Times, Then Stabs Her, Smashes A Bowl On Her Head Before Strangling Her To Death And Driving 100 Miles To Dump Her Corpse At His Grandmother’s House Because She Refused To Allow Him To Sodomize Her

Hookups are common in college towns, and sometimes they turn violent. In one case, a man picked up a woman and when they got back to his house they started fornicating, and in the process she refused to allow him to sodomize her. In a fit of rage he attacked her, punching her dozens of times before stabbing her, smashing a bowl on her, and then strangling her to death and, stuffing her body into a container, driving it one hundred miles to dump it at his grandmother’s house according to a report:

A Philadelphia man who punched a Temple University student 38 times before he stabbed and strangled her to death after she refused him anal sex has been convicted of the heinous crime.

Joshua Hupperterz, 30, received a life sentence Thursday of first-degree murder and possession of an instrument of crime in the sexually motivated August 2017 murder of Jenna Burleigh, 22 inside his Philadelphia apartment.

Hupperterz pleaded guilty last week to abuse of corpse and tampering with evidence but pleaded not guilty to murder and possession of an instrument of crime.

Prosecutors said Hupperterz physically attacked then killed Burleigh at his apartment before attempting to hide her body in late August 2017, when the pair linked up at a bar in North Philadelphia.

Their encounter started out as consensual but quickly turned violent when they went back to his apartment and Burleigh refused to have anal sex with him.

Assistant District Attorney Jason Grenell told jurors last week: ‘You’re going to watch and you’re going to see how her body was beaten and contorted, and how he tried to cover it up.’

Hupperterz met the victim at Pub Webb the night of August 31.

Surveillance footage captured the pair leaving when the venue closed at 2am and going back to his apartment, located a few blocks away.

Jurors heard that Hupperterz and Burleigh started having consensual sex before neighbors heard screaming in the apartment at about 4am.

Evidence showed that the screaming started when Hupperterz tried to have anal sex with the victim.

Burleigh grabbed a kitchen knife as she tried to fight Hupperterz, the court heard.

Hupperter punched her 38 times and then stabbed her.

He also smashed a bowl over the victim’s head and strangled her afterward.

Burleigh died from blunt trauma and strangulation.

Following the murder, Hupperterz stuffed the student’s body into a storage bin and moved it to his mother’s house in a nearby neighborhood.

He then used the ride-sharing service Lyft to move her body more than 100 miles away to his grandmother’s house.

Her body was found in a shed at the property days later.

Hupperterz rejected a plea deal in December and was sentenced to life in prison Thursday.

Defense attorneys previously told the court that Hupperterz’s roommate, Jack Miley, was the man who strangled the victim after he tried to intervene.

They alleged that Hupperterz started screaming when Burleigh used the knife to stab his hand, and said Miley came running in and tried to stop the victim from screaming by putting his hands around her throat.

But prosecutors said DNA evidence and the defendant’s actions proved him to be the killer.

Police also previously said Hupperterz’s statement that Miley murdered the victim was a lie. (source, source)

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