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Giuliani: BuzzFeed Should Be Under Investigation

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” former New York City mayor and President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said BuzzFeed should be “under investigation” for their report based on anonymous source said that claimed Trump instructed his lawyer Michael Cohen to lie about a proposed Trump Tower project in Russia.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office has disputed the BuzzFeed report.

Giuliani said, “Yesterday BuzzFeed published a story that was scandalous. It was horrible. They should be sued, under investigation. They said the president of the United States counseled someone to lie.”

He added, “Michael Cohen is a serial liar. If you can figure out what Michael Cohen is telling the truth, you’re better than I am, Jake. That’s what happened to BuzzFeed. They bought a totally phony story. They weren’t going to buy it unless they got some phony stuff about federal agents and then they went with it because they are the same ones who published the Steele dossier when no one else would do it. Obviously have a hatred for the president. ”

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