Jesus' Coming Back

332,757 Abortions Performed by Planned Parenthood in 2017-2018, Highest Number Since 2011

WASHINGTON — The abortion and contraception giant Planned Parenthood has released its annual report, which shows that the number of abortions performed by the organization increased significantly during its 2017-2018 fiscal year, as 332,757 babies were murdered in their mother’s womb, up 11,373 from the year prior. Planned Parenthood’s profits, labeled as “excess of revenue,” climbed significantly as well due to an increase in private donations and government funding.

“More than ever before, Planned Parenthood is putting the tools people need to live healthy lives directly into their hands,” the organization wrote in its report. “Whether they are getting sexual and reproductive health information from, booking an appointment on their phone, or marching to defend their rights—Planned Parenthood is providing them the care, information, and resources they need to take control of their health and their future.”

The number of abortions equates to 911 a day, up from over 800 a day, while the number of adoption referrals are down to 2,831 from 3,389 the fiscal year prior.

The provision of birth control also decreased at Planned Parenthood, and has declined with each passing year. Over 2.6 million people were provided with contraceptives in the 2017-2018 fiscal year—from temporary to permanent, down from 2.7 million in 2016-2017. Over 631,000 emergency contraception kits were issued, down from 730,000.

The number of Americans receiving testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), however, continues to increase, as do the number of those who test positive for those diseases. Over 4.7 million people were tested or treated for an STD, up from 4.4 million the year prior and 4.2 million in 2015-2016.

Over 240,000 were found to have a sexual disease, up from 222,000 the year prior and 209,900 in the 2015-2016 fiscal year. 741,352 patients were tested for HIV, up from 706,903 patients, and 654,218 two years ago.

Only 9,055 women obtained prenatal care during the 2017-2018 fiscal year, and just 1,731 mothers obtained miscarriage care. Other services included pap smears and treatment for urinary tract infections.

For the first time in many years, private contributions were the largest source of revenue for the organization, as it received $630 million from citizen donors, up from $532 million. However, government funding of Planned Parenthood was also up, as it received over $563 million in the fiscal year alone, up from $543 million in 2016-2017.

With all the sources of income combined, Planned Parenthood generated over $1.66 billion in revenue throughout the fiscal year.

And despite its expenditures, which included $115 million for “advocacy,” $48 million for sexual education, and $40 million on public policy—that is to influence legislation nationwide, the abortion giant still garnered a $244 million dollar profit, labeled as “excess of revenue.”

The figure is up significantly from the 2016-2017 fiscal year, which saw a $98.5 million dollar profit. The organization had an excess of $77 million the year prior and $58 million in 2014-2015.

Planned Parenthood outlined in its report that its goal is expansion, and it plans on working with supportive congressional and state leadership “to enact laws that protect and expand access to reproductive care.”

“There is a huge unmet need for the people we serve,” President Leana Wen asserted. “But we’ve got fundamental truth on our side: that your body is your own. If it’s not, you cannot be truly free or equal.”

“Through all our work, we will continue to assert what we know to be true: Planned Parenthood services—from birth control to cancer screenings to abortion—are standard medical care,” she claimed. “Reproductive health care is health care. Women’s health care is health care. And health care is a fundamental human right.”

Read the report in full here.

Sanger’s newsletter “The Woman Rebel.”

As previously reported, while modern-day Planned Parenthood leaders ardently argue that abortion is a mother’s “right,” the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, actually wrote against abortion, stating that “the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.”

“The great majority of women … belong to the working class. Nearly all of these women will fall into one of two general groups—the ones who are having children against their wills, and those who, to escape this evil, find refuge in abortion. Being given their choice by society—to continue to be overburdened mothers or to submit to a humiliating, repulsive, painful and too often gravely dangerous operation, those women in whom the feminine urge to freedom is strongest choose the abortionist,” she remarked in her book “Woman and the New Race.”

Sanger stated that there are potential consequences to having an abortion that are unsafe for women.

“The womb may not return to its natural size, but remain large and heavy, tending to fall away from its natural position. Abortion often leaves the uterus in a condition to conceive easily again and unless prevention is strictly followed another pregnancy will surely occur. Frequent abortions tend to cause barrenness and serious, painful pelvic ailments. These and other conditions arising from such operations are very likely to ruin a woman’s general health,” she wrote.

However, Sanger’s solution to countering abortion was birth control, initially naming her organization the American Birth Control League.

“The question that society must answer is this: Shall family limitation be achieved through birth control or abortion? Shall normal, safe, effective contraceptives be employed, or shall we continue to force women to the abnormal, often dangerous surgical operation?” she asked.

She decried large families, writing, “The most serious evil of our times is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children.” She claimed that children get lost in large families and end up in jail or as prostitutes.

Sanger was also an advocate of eugenics against the disabled, as she made a correlation between birth control and the purification of the races. She additionally called for the sterilization of women in the “moron class,” referring to those with disabilities as being “morons,” “idiots” and “imbeciles.”

“Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives,” Sanger wrote. “If we are to make racial progress, this development of womanhood must precede motherhood in every individual woman.”

Proverbs 6 says that “God hates … hands that shed innocent blood.”

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 also teaches, “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication, that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God. … For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us His holy Spirit.”

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