Jesus' Coming Back

Mexican Drug Cartels Threaten Mayor Of American Party Town Of Cancun With Message And A Dismembered Body Left In Front Of It

While Americans continue to visit the party town of Cancun, the violence of the drug cartels is increasingly moving into the area, with drug cartels recently threatening the mayor, leaving a message and a dismembered corpse in front of the message

A brutal narcomensaje directed for some officials and the mayor of Cancun, was left next to a dismembered body.

The narcomanta was placed on the shore of Cancún Avenue, better known as Las Torres, at the height of the El Pedregal neighborhood. The bloody letter was addressed to the mayor Mara Lezama, the state secretary of Public Security, Alberto Capella Ibarra, and municipal secretary of Public Security, Jesús Pérez Abarca.

In addition to mentioning that the officials did not respect supposed agreements, the narcomensajesugiere the phrase ‘one million pesos’, although the clear context of the expression is unknown. Passersby reported the macabre finding around 07:56 hours Monday, after they realized that the blanket was hanging on the cyclonic mesh of a property, near a dismembered body.

Elements of the municipal police arrived at the scene and closed the circulation in both directions of Cancún Avenue; also, ministerial agents and experts from the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) came to the scene to start the investigations.

A few meters from the narcomensaje, a group of uniformed found a vehicle of service of collective transport left, and when reviewing it they realized that it had bloodstains inside, reason why it is speculated that it could be related to the transfer of the dismembered body .

The authorities indicated that the unit belongs to the company Transporte Terrestre Estatal (TTE), of route 97-99; however, until now the identity of the victim is unknown. (source)


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