Jesus' Coming Back

Minority Man Thankful White Guy Around To Tell Him What Jokes He Should Find Offensive

Minority Man Thankful White Guy Around To Tell Him What Jokes He Should Find Offensive

FORT SMITH, AR—Stating that his help is invaluable, local man Henry Greene confirmed Monday just how thankful he is that he has a white friend around to tell him exactly what jokes he’s supposed to find offensive as a black man.

His white friend and coworker, Billy Carson, sat Greene down Monday and carefully explained to him what kind of jokes he was allowed to laugh at as a black man in America. Carson helpfully broke down all the different considerations Greene needs to take into account before laughing at a joke, such as possible microaggressions, triggering language, and elements of humor that might perpetuate racist stereotypes.

“I’m really glad you’re here to explain to me exactly what jokes I’m supposed to laugh at and which ones are offensive to me,” he said after his white friend spent several minutes explaining why a particular satirical article should offend him. “It’s really a big help.”

Greene’s white friend has set up an appointment with him for later this week to explain to him what political beliefs he is supposed to espouse.

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