Jesus' Coming Back

Pro-Life Group to Show Live Third-Trimester Ultrasounds in Time Square

Pro-Life Group to Show Live Third-Trimester Ultrasounds in Time Square

On a mission to show people that the unborn are human beings, Focus on the Family is taking to New York to displayed live ultrasounds on monitors and screens in Time Square.

According to CBN News, Focus on the Family – a global Christian ministry that works to help families thrive – is holding a live ultrasound viewing in response to New York’s new Reproductive Health Act and the proposed abortion bill in Virginia that would have allowed women to have an abortion while in labor. 

In an interview with CBN News, Focus on the Family President Jim Daly said, “I think really what’s happened in New York and in Virginia has prompted a response.”

Daly also noted the comments made by Virginia’s governor Ralph Northam which appeared to endorse infanticide

The May 4 event will be filled with, speakers, music and 4-D footage of live third-trimester pregnancy ultrasounds.

Daly said, “And with the 4-D technology that we have, it looks like a picture of a 1-year-old.”

“There is no way a person is going to be able to say, ‘That is not a child.’ It is a child and we want everybody to see it,” he added.

Daly said his organization chose Time Square so that they can have an open dialogue with as many people as possible. He told CBN News, “Well, [Time Square’s] the epicenter of everything. I think if you talk to anyone in Manhattan, Times Square is where it all happens. We’re not shy about going there and saying to Governor Cuomo and others, ‘Let’s look.”

He added, “This isn’t adversarial. Let’s just take a position. Let’s see what an ultrasound looks like.'” 

Daly also encouraged the Christian community not to be afraid to speak up on the issue of abortion noting that it is a “moral issue.”

He said, “This is ancient Rome once again, and Christians were known for saving babies who were thrown out in the garbage heaps to die. That was their (Rome’s) form of infanticide.”

He concluded, “This isn’t anything new, but it was the Christians that stood up and said ‘No. Everyone human is made in God’s image and we can’t destroy innocent human beings.”

Daly invites anyone and everyone to come and join him and the Focus on the Family team at their ultrasound education event on May 4 in Time Square.

Photo courtesy: Edward Cisneros/Unsplash

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