Jesus' Coming Back

‘God Wanted’ Trump to Be President, Say 45 Percent of GOP Voters

‘God Wanted’ Trump to Be President, Say 45 Percent of GOP Voters

One-fourth of registered voters believe God wanted Donald Trump to be president, although the breakdown — perhaps not surprisingly — is partisan.

A full 25 percent of voters say they believe God wanted Trump to be president, while 62 percent disagree and 14 percent don’t know, according to a new Fox News survey

Forty-five percent of Republicans and 9 percent of Democrats believe God wanted it.

Among white evangelicals, 55 percent say God wanted Trump to win. That number falls to 36 percent among all Protestants and 20 percent among Catholics, Fox News reported. 

The question was asked in light of White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders telling CBN: “I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president, and that’s why he’s there.”

The survey sparked more than 5,000 comments on Fox News’ Facebook page.

“Election night was a very supernatural night…too many people were praying for a miracle and we saw it unfold,” one person wrote.

Another person took exception to the poll’s wording, saying that God appoints all leaders, Trump included.

“Romans 13,” the person wrote, quoting Scripture, “let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

But some didn’t believe God played a role.

“I guess God also wanted Trump to grab women, cheat on his wives, insult 24/7 on twitter, etc… Gotcha!” a reader wrote.

The poll’s findings are in line with another survey by the Public Religion Research Institute, NBC noted. That poll found that 28 percent of adults believed God played a “major role” in the 2016 election and 13 percent a “minor role.” 

The Fox News question mentioned Sanders in the survey. The question read: “A White House spokesperson said she believes God wanted Donald Trump to become president — what about you — do you believe God wanted Donald Trump to become  president, or don’t you believe that?” The survey was based on interviews with 1,004 registered voters and conducted Feb. 10-12. 

Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Pool

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