Jesus' Coming Back

Politicians In Kentucky Gather Together To Vote On Abortion. A Pregnant Woman Comes Before Them And The Politicians Hear The Beating Heart Of Her Unborn Child. One Official Declares: “That Child In Her Womb Is A Living Human Being”. Almost All Of The Politicians Vote Against Abortion

By Theodore Shoebat

Politicians in Kentucky gathered together to vote on abortion. They heard the beating heart of an unborn child still in the womb of a pregnant mother who was present in the assembly. One official declared: “That child in her womb is a living human being,” before the majority of the senators voted in favor for a bill outlaw abortion for unborn babies with heartbeats. As we read in a report from the Star Tribune:

Kentucky lawmakers heard the beating heart of a woman’s unborn baby Thursday as they advanced a bill that would ban most abortions in the state once a fetal heartbeat is detected.

The state Senate voted 31-6 to pass the measure, continuing an aggressive push to restrict abortion since Republicans consolidated their hold on Kentucky’s legislature starting in 2017.

Earlier Thursday when a committee reviewed the bill, a pregnant woman let a roomful of people hear the heartbeat of her unborn baby via an electronic monitor. The woman, April Lanham, who lives in the district of the bill’s lead sponsor, was at the witness table in the committee room.

“That child in her womb is a living human being,” Republican Sen. Matt Castlen, the bill sponsor, said later. “And all living human beings have a right to life.”

With Senate passage, the bill now heads to the House. The measure would require anyone seeking an abortion to first determine if a fetal heartbeat is detectable. If it is, the abortion would be banned. A fetal heartbeat can be detected about six weeks into pregnancy.

The forces of eugenics and of darwinism will never cease in their efforts of warring against humanity. The fact that so many abortions are done to prevent people from being born because they have some “defect” is proof enough that eugenics never died.

They believe in committing murder on account of heredity. Adolf Hitler believed in this evil. “Now that we know the laws of heredity,” said Hitler, “it is possible to a large extent to prevent unhealthy and severely handicapped beings from coming into the world.”

That is what these evildoers are committing: they are preventing people from being born, and in this context, because of their genetic makeups which they deem as “defects.” We are seeing this heavily in the Germanic countries like Denmark and the Netherlands. In the year 2016, only four babies with Down Syndrome were born in Denmark. This is a genocide of a people on account of how they are born. What is amazing is how progressives will scream about the ‘persecution of people because of their sexual orientation,’ and they will say that such supposed victims are being oppressed because of the way they are born (they believe that sodomites are born sodomites). But when it comes to people who are actually born a certain way and are being prevented from being born because of a prejudice against their makeup, this is permissible and should be held up as a constitutional right.

Going back to Hitler, one may ask the question: ‘but what inspired Hitler and empowered him in his eugenic beliefs?’ A good amount of Hitler’s inspiration came from the United States legislating for the sterilization of people because of genetic defects. In Hitler’s own words:

“I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.”

The Nazis were inspired by American eugenist work such as Henry Herbert Goddard’s The Kallikak Family –a study on an American family who Goddard studied for a history of genetic defects — and the Supreme Court case of Buck v. Bell, which deemed the sterilization of people with certain handicaps constitutional.

The story behind Buck V. Bell is one of a sinister conspiracy. It starts with the Dobbs family in Charlottesville, Virginia. A girl by the name of Carrie Buck was being raised by her unstable mother, Emma. The state determined that her mother was unfit for motherhood and put the girl with the foster parents, John and Alice Dobbs. In 1923, when Alice Dobbs was away from her home, her nephew raped Carrie Buck and got her pregnant. To hide the crime of the nephew, the Dobbs couple contacted the Red Cross office in Charlottesville and said that they had a girl who was pregnant (essentially saying that she was promiscuous) and “wanted to have her committed somewhere — to have her sent to some institution.”

Carrie Beck with her mother, Emma

Mr. Dobbs and his wife told a local family court that they had “residing with them an epileptic and feeble-minded person, one Carrie E. Buck, a white female child of the age of seventeen years.” For the Dobbses it was time that Buck be placed in the State Colony for the Epileptic and Feeble-Minded, where her mother Emma was already confined. On January 3rd of 1924, a Charlottesville family court judge issued out a warrant that required Carrie and her biological mother and foster mother to appear before a commission to determine whether or not she was “feeble-minded.” Only Carrie and the Dobbses showed up since her biological mom was incarcerated.

State Colony for the Epileptic and Feeble-Minded

The commission found Carrie to be, physically, in perfectly fine health. But they determined that she was “feeble-minded within the meaning of the law, and is a suitable subject for an institution for feeble-minded.” The Dobbses, at first, said that Carrie never had “epilepsy, headaches, nervousness, fits of convulsion of any kind,” but then later they said that Carrie had epilepsy “Since childhood.” The commission decided that Carrie needed to be placed in an institution. The judge ordered that she be placed in the State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded in Lynchburg, Virginia. The Dobbses were allowed to adopt Carrie’s daughter, Vivian, when the state put her in the institution.

The inmates in this institution — who were mainly impoverished and abandoned — were treated like slaves, the boys being made to work in the fields and the girls in dining halls and kitchens, for only 25 cents a week. An infringement of the rules was met with punishments, including staying in the “blind room” for ninety days where the inmate, with shaved head, stayed with only his hospital gown and a bucket. Eugenists believed that such policies would cut down crime, poverty, alcoholism and other social problems, but it didn’t.

In the State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded, there was a very sinister doctor by the name of Albert Priddy who was, illegally, sterilizing his patients.

Albert Priddy

In 1916, a major chapter of the story of eugenics in the United States would take place. In September of 1916, a poor laborer by the name of George Mallory who lived in Richmond, Virginia, went out to work at the sawmill. While he was gone, his wife, Willie, was arrested under the allegation that she was running a brothel. It was not just her that was arrested; her dozen children were also rounded up. The youngest of her children were sent to the Children’s Home Society for being “exposed to vicious and immoral influences.”

The court ruled that Willie and two of her daughters were intellectual defects and sent them to the Colony in Lynchburg. During their stay, Dr. Priddy sterilized Willie and one of her daughters. They were sent back home six months after being institutionalized. But Mallory’s fourteen year old daughter, Nannie, was still within the prison. She had not been sterilized, and Priddy was glad to see to it that this would change. On November of 1917, her heartbroken father, George Mallory, sent a letter to Dr. Priddy demanding the release of his daughter, writing:

“one more time I am go write to you to ask you about my child I cannot here from her bye no means. … I want to know when can I get my child home again my family have been broked up on false pertents [pretenses] same as white slavery, Dr what business did you have opreateding on my wife and daughtr with out my consent. I am a hard working man can take care of my family and can prove it and before I am finish you will find out that I am. …My wife is 43 years old and to be treated in that way, you ought to be a shamed of your selft of opreatedng on her at that age. … I am a humanbeen as well as you are I am tired of bein treated this way for nothing I want my child [back].”

Dr. Priddy wrote a callous reply:

“I have your letter of the 5th of Nov. which is insulting and threatening in its tone and I want to say to you that if you dare write me another communication I will have you arrested and brought here [to the colony too.”

Mallory, still having his tenacity, filed a lawsuit demanding the release of his children from the Home Society and Nannie from the Colony. Mallory also demanded compensation for the forced sterilization of his wife. Priddy argued that the sterilization was for sake of Mrs. Mallory’s health. The argument was sufficient for the court. Mallory got his daughter Nannie back, but received no compensation. Nonetheless, Priddy was embarrassed by the case (Mallory v. Priddy). He wanted to change the law to make it legally expedient to sterilize people.

In 1924, Priddy collaborated with a fellow eugenist and state senator, Aubrey Strode, who agreed to work to pass legislation to constitutionalize sterilization. By March of 1924, Strode managed to get his bill passed through both houses of the Virginia General Assembly. Priddy was close to obtaining the legality he wanted to sterilize without fear of court cases.

Aubrey Strode

Priddy and Strode needed an example by which to legitimize sterilization. Carrie Buck was the perfect sacrificial victim to the altar of eugenics, for the cause of their prophet Darwin and their god, Natural Selection. Their strategy was to call for the sterilization of Carrie, but only after an investigation to determine whether or not it was constitutional to do so, and by this, they would have the opportunity to manipulate the case and make a case for constitutionalizing sterilization. In August of 1924, Priddy went before the Colony’s board of directors and requested that eighteen inmates, including Carrie, be sterilized. But he also asked that “a test case of the constitutionality of the [new] Sterilization Law be made before any operation is performed.” The directors agreed.

Priddy told the board that Carrie was an ideal example for the operation, and that he had given her a Stanford-Binet IQ test and determined that she was a moron with the mental age of a nine year old. Priddy also said that Carrie “had one illegitimate, mentally defective child” which was unproven considering that the child was only six months old. The board of directors appointed Aubrey Strode to bring the case to trial. Strode, also a lawyer, would represent his client, Albert Priddy. They forced Carrie into court and even gave her a lawyer, Irving Whitehead, banking lawyer. Whitehead supported Strode’s campaign for senator and had been a member of the board of directors at the Colony where he backed Priddy’s illegal sterilization. So the person appointed to defend Carrie actually wanted Carrie to be sterilized. This was no trial. This was a sacrifice.

Irving Whitehead

The case made it all the way to the Supreme Court where Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes determined that Carrie was a “feeble minded white woman … the daughter of a feeble minded mother … and the mother of an illegitimate feeble minded child.” To prove the heredity of feeble-mindedness, Priddy’s side used Henry Goddard’s Kallikak study and the justices had to hear about how “Old man John Callicac in 1775 had an illegitimate child by a feeble-minded woman” and burdened the world with their posterity that corrupted the American gene pool. “It is better for all the world,” wrote Justice Holmes in a Malthusian sentiment, “if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. …Three generations of imbeciles [Emma, Carrie, and then Vivian] are enough.”

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

Only one justice in the Supreme Court dissented: Pierce Butler, and he was also the only Catholic justice. He dissented with silence, not expressing his opinion. Sterilization became constitutionalized. On October 19th, 1927, Carrie was sent to the dismal redbrick building of th Lynchburg Colony, where she was sterilized by Dr. Bell, in what was the beginning conclusion of the infamous case of Buck v. Bell. That same year Justice Holmes would write: “One decision that I wrote gave me pleasure, establishing the constitutionality of a law permitting the sterilization of imbeciles.” 

Pierce Butler, the Catholic justice who dissented in Buck v. Bell

By 1932, twenty-seven states had sterilization policies. Most of their victims were poor white women. This is what makes the current day “race realist” movement so laughable and hysterical: they say they want to protect “our women” (white women), but then they will support eugenist ideas. If these ideas get fully imposed, it will be whites who will suffer just as much as the people they want to persecute.

John H. Bell, the doctor who sterilized Carrie Buck

Buck v. Bell would not only influence the United States, but Nazi Germany as well. Even the reasoning that Priddy’s case used also inspired the Nazis, as the German eugenists also looked to Goddard’s study on the Kallikak family. As J. David Smith and Michael L. Wehmeyer write:

The Kallikak Family was reprinted in German in 1933, the same year Nazi Germany passed the “Law for Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Defects Act.” That Act was based on the model sterilization law drawn up by American eugenicist Harry H. Laughlin, a star witness in Buck v Bell, and legalized involuntary sterilization of Germans with disabilities. From 1934 to 1939, Hitler’s Nazi regime involuntarily sterilized somewhere near 150,000 Germans with disabilities, and beginning in the winter of 1939, implemented a program of extermination that, by its end 20 months later, had resulted in the murder of 80,000 disabled Germans.

Here we can see how the United States influenced Germany’s eugenist policy. Today, Germany’s most prestigious scientific establishment, the Max Planck Institute, does experiments on the bodies of murdered unborn babies. Where have they gotten their fetuses? To a great extent, from Planned Parenthood. The Max Planck Institute used the brains of an unborn baby that was 16 weeks in development (16 wpc). The brains from the murdered babies that were used in this diabolical experiment in Germany were actually obtained, not from Germany, but from California. According to the report from the Max Planck scientists,

“The 16 wpc human brain used for immunofluorescence analyses (shown in Fig. S8) was obtained from Novogenix Laboratories (Torrance, CA), following informed consent and elective termination. Developmental age was determined by ultrasound.”

Novogenix Laboratories, according to journalist Stacy Trasancos, is the company that signed an agreement with women who wanted abortions that their babies’ organs will be used for experiments, and took the organs from Planned Parenthood. Once this was exposed, through the investigative work of David Daleiden, Novogenix Laboratories went out of business.

Eugenics is still alive and well in Germany. Europe is ripe for the plucking by another Reich, only for the wicked to declare:

Let us oppress the righteous poor;

let us neither spare the widow

nor revere the aged for hair grown white with time.

But let our strength be our norm of righteousness;

for weakness proves itself useless. (Wisdom 2:10-11)


Jesus Christ is King

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