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U.S. Official Sends a Warning to Migrants: STAY HOME … and what happened next is OUTRAGEOUS

… It seems migrant advocacy groups/organizations would rather hide this information or water it down and not pass it along, giving false hopes to those that needed to hear it. READ ON:

Last week, a number of organizations that aid migrants traveling through Mexico received an audio clip from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City with a message for the migrant “caravans” headed to the United States.

In the clip, which was obtained by Yahoo News, Edgar Ramirez, the Department of Homeland Security’s attaché to the embassy, warns the migrants, who are mostly from Central America, about increased security at the border and potential criminal prosecutions they could face by trying to cross illegally. Under recently implemented U.S. policy, he says, people who request asylum or other protections at the U.S.-Mexico border will be returned to Mexico to await their hearing, “which can take several months.”

Ramirez, speaking in Spanish, adds that even after months of waiting, “The reality for the Central American community with regards to asylum requests is that very few of them are approved.”

But the migrant-aid organizations weren’t eager to pass the message along to their clients. Ramirez’s warning that “very few” applications are approved “is reason enough for me not to share it,” said Gretchen Kuhner, director of the Institute for Women in Migration, or IMUMI, a Mexico City-based nonprofit founded by human rights lawyers from the U.S. and Mexico that provides policy advocacy and legal representation to migrant women. “We know, and they know, that every case is different.”

Kuhner said that her organization was among many throughout Mexico that received the audio message from the embassy last week. She and more than 100 colleagues discussed the issue on an ad-hoc running text-message chain.

“I just wrote and said everyone should listen to [this] and don’t share it with anybody,” said Kuhner.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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